Let Her Go (Peeta)

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A request by expecto_my_patronum from a LONG while back. Sorry it took me a while. 

"I volunteer as tribute!"

A thick and hot tear slowly rolled down Peeta's cheek as the words echoed in his head. 

"I volunteer as tribute!"

Shouldn't he have been thankful that someone volunteered for him at the reaping?

"I volunteer as tribute!"

He shook his head as the voice, oh so familiar to anyone in District 12, rang in his head yet again. Of course he should have been thankful--he was, after all, saved for another year. But did it really have to be Gale, presumed to be Katniss's boyfriend by the entire district? Heck, he even confessed his feelings publicly just now to the entire nation at the interview before the Games! How much he wanted to use that chance instead to tell everyone how devoted he was to her! A turmoil of emotions swirled within him and he choked back a sob, hugging his knees as he brought himself into a fetal curl.

"Peeta? Is something wrong?"

The sound of your voice made him lift his head slightly, and he wiped the tears with the back of his hand roughly as he saw you approach him with a worried look etched on your face.

Peeta nodded in answer to your question, his eyes still brimming with tears. "Did he really have to do that? Did she fall for him just as hard as I did her? What's going on, (Y/N)? Why--"

"Peeta." You sat beside him on the table where he was seated, eyeing the loaf of bread which remained untouched, and put a hand on his shoulder. "For how long?"

"Since we were 5," he whispered, his voice catching slightly in his throat making it nigh impossible for him to actually speak.

You nodded thoughtfully. "Don't worry too much about it. I'm sure Gale did it just to have sponsors line the block. After all, they need them for surviving the Games. He'd never mean it, not really."

"If only," you heard him mutter, shaking his head. "Have you seen how protective he was, glancing at Katniss onstage? They were friends for lord knows how long, (Y/N). And right now I...I can't believe..."

At this point, the words just stopped flowing through his mind. With a slight shake of his head, tears threatening to choke him, he stumbled forward and wrapped his arms tightly around you.

Admittedly, this embrace seemed to have stunned you, but you didn't pull away. Rather, you instinctively wrapped your arms around him in return, slowly caressing his back while his sobs racked through, vibrating violently against you. The soft fabric under your fingers helped you stay strong for him, though you couldn't say that seeing him like this wasn't breaking you. For a moment, neither of you said anything. There was no need to, not while the atmosphere was thick with wistfulness and pain. Even you couldn't help but feel your heart break for him.

"Peeta," you whispered finally. "I can't say for sure whether Gale would stick by what he said throughout the Games. But sacrifice for one could only go so far. I mean, if Katniss did get the chance to know you, she'll see just how amazing of a person you are. Know that maybe she could outlast him. Then maybe you'll have a chance."

Could it be possible? After all, the both of you knew that there was more to the Games than just the romantic angle that Gale had decided to initiate. Out there, there were still other districts rooting for their tributes' safe return. And in the Games, a tribute's death meant a tribute's, and a district's, loss. But knowing that the both of them were survivors did provide a bit of relief for District 12, though it was impossible to say at this point who would come out victorious...if they did make it to the end.

Peeta, in the meanwhile, just chuckled sadly. "You think so?"

"Peeta. I know so. You love her, don't you? Show it when she returns."

Those words were enough to make Peeta believe you, and with a vigorous nod he complied. "Yeah. I guess I would."

But as time passed, it turned out that it wasn't Katniss that he was attracted to anymore. The childish liking that he once had for her had long disappeared--after all, his crush on Katniss was just like chasing a beautiful butterfly through the fields, flying further and further out of his reach until it was just a little speck in the sky, impossible to catch. He felt as if that was what Katniss was doing after the encounter in the rain with the bread he threw to her--she was slipping farther and farther away, trying to distance herself from him.

Under typical circumstances, a boy like him would try to jump for the butterfly, try to trap it in his fingers. But Peeta had given up chasing that butterfly after that day, when you came by to comfort him the night Gale professed his love for her. Sometimes, he realized, one would have to give up trying in hopes of letting the butterfly float freely in the sky, entrancing the world with its beauty instead of beating its wings just for him.

Instead, he had found a gem. It wasn't anything super expensive, but it was one that still sparked him with hope. The night you came to comfort him, he had found so much reason to believe that Katniss would come home. But that evening, he also found a reason to let her go, too.

And so it was with a rapidly beating heart, pounding as fast as a butterfly's wings, that he made the decision to go to you on the day when Katniss, the victor, had finally returned from the Games. Gale had died under Cato's blade and Katniss shot Cato in return in the final showdown, leaving her heading home alone. The prospect of Katniss arriving home safe and sound, however, was no longer the main thing on his mind.

"(Y/N)!" he shouted, pushing through the crowd to get to you. "(Y/N)!"

At the sound of his voice calling your name you turned, a small smile tugging at your lips. "Hey Peeta."

"(Y/N)," he repeated breathlessly. "(Y/N). Uh...I, uh, I just wanted to say thanks. I mean, I never got the chance to, you know, that night after...well...you know what I mean."

Seeing his flustered face made you laugh as well, the heat flaring in your cheeks visible only to Peeta who was gazing at you intently. "It wasn't a problem, Peeta. I mean...I couldn't bear to see someone I care so much about in pain."

"You helped me through. You pulled me through. I guess I owe so much to you for that."

To this, you shook your head. "What do you mean?"

"That evening, when you came by to comfort me, I realized...I have been uselessly chasing after her knowing that...she'd have to slip through my fingers at some point," he murmured softly. "But you managed to catch me while I was slipping too. And that evening, I finally let her go."

"But why? Why would you do that?" you asked incredulously.

Peeta smiled as he reached for your hand, interlacing your fingers with his tightly. "Because I found someone else to hold on to."

Instantly, you blushed. "Peeta..."

Peeta shook his head. "(Y/N). It's more than just gratitude that I felt that night."

And then it was in that moment when the truth finally hit you.

"I felt the same too," you whispered, squeezing his hand out of comfort. "And know that I'll always be here if you need someone to lean on."

"Or more than just that," he murmured, smiling as he leaned in, kissing you lightly on the cheek.

The sudden motion made you freeze, but you didn't pull away. Rather, you leaned your head on Peeta's shoulder, and he released his grasp on your hand to wrap an arm around you, hearts beating perfectly in time.

Maybe he did make the right choice to let her go after all.

OKAY SO I have NO IDEA how long ago this request was given to me, but hey, it's done! I'm so sorry it took a while! I really am. I lost track of all my requests so I'm trying to scramble and get them done. XD

But hey, it's up! :) Hope you like it!

I don't know when another one-shot would be up, so just be patient! :)


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