What are you fighting for? (Peeta)

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This is a request from Azula89, and originally Crazy_Kat_R5 also wanted a Peeta X Reader so I'm giving credit to both of them. So sit back, relax, and...ehhhh. I think you guys can finish the sentence. This kinda goes along with the first book/film. AND NO, THIS IS NOT A 50 SHADES OF GREY REFERENCE.


(Y/N): Your Name

(Y/L/N): Your Last Name


Another cannon went off in the sky in the arena, and you shook your head as you nestled deeper into your sleeping bag, perched on a tree. Knowing it had to be one of the Careers, you shrugged as you closed your eyes, clutching a knife tightly in your grip by the hilt, falling fast asleep.

Being a tribute from District 5, you already lost your district partner on the very first day, and you knew a victory in the Games would ensure some serious victory. You'd be granted a lot of things from the Capitol, and at home, that would mean fame. 23 dead, and one alive...you were only praying now, after you saw your district partner in the sky on the first night, that it would be you, (Y/N) from District 5...who would have thought? You just had to be very careful.

So far, a lot of tributes have already died, and you were now down to the final 8. Silently, as dawn approached, you woke up and propped yourself up on your elbow and started to list the tributes still alive. There's Katniss and Peeta from District 12, Rue and Thresh from 11, you, the boy from 10, and Cato and Clove from District 2. Well, they seem to be very easy pickings. Once they are all eliminated, you can finally get out of here and head home.

And oh, there's one more thing. When it came to allies, you didn't want any. You didn't want any of these tributes interrupting your only ticket of going home. You had to head home alive, and no one can stop you from doing that. Making allies would result in betrayals and eventual deaths, and you didn't want to risk that. So throughout the training and the interview and now throughout the Games, you showed that you were solitary, that you could fight very well on your own. You didn't need anyone for survival. You were you, and you yourself wouldn't want to give yourself up and depend on others. 

Little did you know that was going to change.

Slowly, you eased yourself down from the tree you stuck yourself in and hit the ground, running. Not too long after, you felt yourself collide with another tribute, who was just making his way to the stream in a limp. 

"AHH!" you screamed, slashing your knife through the air in an attempt to get at the boy's throat. But the boy was too quick. He disarmed you very quickly, and you just stood in front of him, horrified. 

"WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" you screamed, moving your head side to side in a complete panic trying to relocate your blade, but the boy made no attempt to attack you as he collapsed on the bank, wincing as he dropped his spear.

"Ow..." the boy immediately winced, his teeth set in a grit as he held his leg close. At a better glance, you saw that it was a very deep sword cut on his thigh.

You knew it right then and there. This boy, whoever he was, is a weakling. Obviously injured now from whatever kind of brawl he had just been involved with, you already know that it's the end of him. One stab is all you'll need to finish him. But where was your knife? Just as you were going to go look for it, you heard a whine from the boy.


Instantly, you snapped. "WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME I CAN'T KILL?" you asked, going over to the boy in just two strides, pulling out a backup weapon--your sword--and pointing it at him.

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