Defying the Odds (Prim)

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Combining requests from Crazy_Kat_R5 and harrypotters_girl, thanks! I know I'm making this more of a Prim X Reader though they both requested Peeta X Readers, but it's Prim's morale that helped you through instead of the impending romance with Peeta as well as the conflict for both Katniss and Peeta and which one will get out of the arena alive. 

"Hey Prim," you greeted the younger Everdeen sibling as you entered their house one night, holding up a couple bandages and some candy in one hand. A smile was decked on your face at the present moment; ever since Katniss, Prim's older sister, had been taken to the Capitol to compete in the Games, you made sure you kept visiting the Everdeen family. Just to make sure they're coping with things okay.

Prim's face brightened as she saw you arrive, and she ran to you, giving you a very spontaneous hug. "Hi (Y/N)! Good to see you again."

"You too," you murmured, hugging Prim close. As you and the Everdeens were really close friends it only felt natural for actions like these to happen, especially since Katniss seemed a world away.

Katniss's mom, Mrs. Everdeen, walked by to see you holding some bandages and candies, and smiled as she took them from you. "Where did you get these, (Y/N)?"

"Just some simple trade from the Hob," you told them, shrugging. "Thought you might need them."

Mrs. Everdeen nodded. "As a matter of face I do. I'm starting to run low on them."

"Glad I can help then," you smiled warmly, handing the candies to Prim. "Anyway, so I heard tonight's the interview night, right? For the Hunger Games."

Prim nodded. "Yeah. I hope Katniss can survive the night."

"She'll be okay. She's a strong fighter," you assured her. "And she won't have a hard time talking, would she?"

A shrug was all you got in return, but you didn't push further. You had faith that Katniss would return. But at the same time, you felt a painful wrench in your heart--your crush, Peeta, was also there. Odds are, only one will return--and who would it be anyway? Your best friend, or your crush?

"You okay, (Y/N)?" Mrs. Everdeen's voice snapped you instantly back to reality, and you nodded. 

"Yeah, sorry," you said absently, willing yourself to move as you helped them with dinner that night.

Later on in the evening, the three of you crowded around the little TV screen in their house, eyes glued to the tributes that sat in the arch formation, one by one. Each tribute had three minutes with the interviewer, and then it was the next tribute, and so on so forth. The entire time, you were looking at both Katniss and Peeta, lumps forming in your throat too big for you to even talk through them. But you didn't even have to. All you did was stare. And stare. And stare.

Soon, you saw Katniss step forward after the big burly guy from 11 was finished. For the most part you were smiling as she gave her spiel about the lamb stew and spun around in her fiery dress. It was the fire that really appealed to you--and you had to agree with the interviewer, she really did look good in flames. 

But then there came a hush in the crowd as she talked about Prim. 

"I didn't know," Prim murmured hollowly, her eyes wide and almost shining with tears. All you could do was nod.

Then it was Peeta's turn. An easier banter followed before Peeta was asked if he had a girlfriend back home.

"As a matter of fact...I do have...a crush," Peeta muttered lowly, glancing down at his shoes.

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