Forgiveness (Peeta)

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(Y/N): Your Name

*******IN A DREAM*********

"(Y/N)! Over here!"

The smile that decked your face all day at school today suddenly faded as you made your way to your best friend, Peeta Mellark, who only gave you a very sad smile as he stood alone in the hall amidst all the other passing students.

"Hey," you greeted him with a wave. "So, uh, what's up?"

Peeta sighed and blew away a strand of loose blond hair from his forehead in slight annoyance and guilt. "Listen, (Y/N). I...I really blew it."

"Wait. What are you even talking about?" you asked him, confused.

"Remember that fight we had?" he asked. "I...look, I really really feel bad about what I said, and I didn't mean to hurt you in any way whatsoever. So...will you do the rightful honour of forgiving me?"

As if by magic, the light shifted, and all you could see in the hall was Peeta, and only him alone. It was suddenly like everyone else went out of focus in your lens, and all you could see in fine detail was him, and him alone. Unconsciously, you nodded.

"Yeah. I'll forgive you. But only if you promise to stop hurting me," you said, your voice firm and sure.

This brought a smile to Peeta's face--that crooked smile that you thought you would never get rid of in your mind. He then reached out a hand to your arm, grasping it softly, before slowly sliding it down to your hand and intertwining your fingers with his, not too loosely and yet not too tightly. The contact sent chills going up your arms, making you blush just a tad. Then somewhere off in the distance, a song that you have long forgotten started to play around the halls.

"What...where's the music coming from?" Peeta asked you softly, as if he was still stuck in a trance.

You shook your head. "No idea...but it sounds lovely."

Peeta hummed in pleasure as he brought your intertwined hands up, placing his other hand on your waist, and then he started to lead you through a very slow dance, his eyes looking straight into yours the entire time...

**********IN REAL LIFE***********

"Asleep again, (Y/N)!" the professor cried, slamming your textbook hard on your desk. You suddenly bolted awake, brushing your hair away from your face.

"What is WRONG with you, (Y/N)?!" the professor shouted. "Asleep in every single one of my classes! It's a wonder you're still doing average, but I can't have any student of mine sleep like this!"

You groaned as you smoothed your hair down. "So sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

"Right. It shouldn't," the professor said, glaring at you. "Get to bed early tonight. Otherwise it'll be a detention from me." With that, he headed back to the blackboard and continued his lecture.

Off from the corner of your eye, you caught sight of your best friend, Delly Cartwright, sitting just a few rows behind and to the right of you. The instance you locked eyes with her, she mouthed, You okay?

You quickly gave her a nod, then turned your attention back to the professor. But not before your ex-best friend, Peeta Mellark, turned to you with a small sad smile, not too far from where Delly was sitting. In return, you offered him a small close-mouthed smile of your own, then went back to the lesson, which droned on for what felt like hours before the bell rang, signalling the end of the day.

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