Survival (Katniss)

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First request from my newly-dubbed Hunger Games buddy HereComesForever15!! Thanks for the request! :) By the way this is in no way a sequel to my Prim X Reader, so just a heads up. You're Katniss's age here, and this takes place before Catching Fire.


(Y/N): Your Name

Not for the first time, you found yourself running away from your house in District 12 in the early hours of dawn, slipping under the electric fence that is barely charged, and making your way deep into the heart of the woods. It's really the only place for you to think through things, to clear your mind after an argument with your parents. Yes, you just had a recent argument with your mother last night after yelling at her for not taking care of you or your younger sister and brother, to which your mom said it was hard moving on from her husband--your father, who recently got executed in a shooting for stealing.

Not to mention, your sister and brother also joined in the argument.

"How could you? To think that we can't get any education because of father's death!" your brother shouted at her.

"And we need money for food!" your sister argued.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" your mom cried. "Your dad is gone, and forget calling me your mother, because I can't even move on! I'm done with taking care of children that I thought I would forever keep! I can't believe I can't keep your father here, keep him with us. So forget it!"

"NO!" your younger siblings screamed.

But you just held them back as they surged forward. "Just let it go," you said.

And now that you were here in the woods, what were you going to do? Stealing, you already knew, was punishable by death. But here in the woods, no one said stealing was illegal outside of the district. The woods are full of food and greens and other things you can find to fill your stomachs, but where do you start without feeling too frightened?

It seemed that your walk through the woods was disturbing someone, because next moment an arrow flew just over your left ear and stuck in the tree trunk behind you. You had the good sense to duck, thank goodness, but shock registered within you when you realized that you weren't the only one in these woods.

"Who's there?" you called out.

A figure stepped out of the foliage, and you raised your eyebrows in surprise. Standing before you, in the flesh, was a girl with brown hair styled in a braid down the right side of her head, a worn brown hunting jacket donned over her slim form. In her hands she held a wooden bow and arrow, and she had a few shot squirrels and rabbits slung over her shoulder. Your breath immediately hitched when you recognized the victor of the 74th Hunger Games--one of them, to be exact.

"Oh my god," you murmured. "Katniss Everdeen?"

The girl, Katniss, nodded. "I didn't expect anyone else to be in the woods at this time. Well, maybe except for my friend, Gale. Have you seen him?"

You shook your head. "No. Not really."

Katniss nodded bitterly as she approached you. "I was only hoping he'd show up, but since he's already working in the mines my guess is that his schedule is too full to even come by. I mean, I have been bothered somewhat, you know, since our first reunion after the Games."

"What happened?" you asked.

Katniss explained the whole story--the party that lasted for a week in District 12, and how she and Gale resumed old hunting times for a day before he suddenly kissed her at the end.

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