•Day 5 | Part 2•

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Xavier stepped closer to Derek. They both stood with their with unpleasant expressions on their faces. Derek's blood-curdled, he was ready to fight. Fight for me. They growled at each other and Xavier made the first move but Derek quickly dogged it, pushing Xavier roughly back against the wall. What was I meant to do? If I were to do something, I'd be interrupting and that's not a good idea.

Xavier stood back up, Derek watched carefully examining Xavier's every move. All of a sudden Xavier launched into Derek, tackling him to the ground. Derek grunted in pain and Xavier pinned him down, he began punching Derek's face. My hands covered my eyes for a couple of seconds. I want to do something, but I couldn't help but to sit their feeling guilty. I slowly uncovered my hands from my eyes and blinked a few times to adjust myself.

Derek was now standing up and holding Xavier by his neck against the stairs. Xavier stabbed his claws into Derek's chest and he bayed in agony. I watched as he let his grip of Xavier neck release and Xavier was falling to the ground. As he dropped, his claws ripped down Derek's top, letting his body show. The claw mark on his chest were bleeding, I watched him bare the pain and stood still for a couple of seconds. His body was healing.

I stared blankly at the open wounds as they recuperated, closing the wound leaving it back to its original unscathed position. Xavier managed to grab his grip on Derek's head and bash it against the wall, I wanted to scream. But I couldn't. He finally stopped hitting Derek's precious head that was bleeding, then pushing him into the corner I was hiding in. Derek fell and looked up at me, I couldn't bare look at his dreadful face,  it made my heart pump faster. His eyes gazed into mine, no words were shared but there was no need to. Xavier grabbed Derek's my the back of his neck and threw him to the opposite side of the room. I let out a cry, not realising that it came it.

"What's wrong huh? A little human can't take a little action?" He commented walking towards me. His claws were very visible, they were sharp and I was doomed. I huddled up closer and deeper into the corner. I sat silent.

"If you won't kill her, I'll do it myself..." Xavier threatened, my immediately stopped beating. My mouth was dry not able to speak. I looked over at Derek who stumbled to stand up, he attempted but fell back down. I was relying on him to save me. I was incapable without Derek, I think if it wasn't for him I'd be dead by now.

Xavier's body were mere inches from mine, I looked over to Derek again who crawled closer but he wasn't quick enough.

"If you kill her..." Derek attempted to talk, but he couldn't finish.

"Or you'll what? Kill me? Ha, I'm the Alpha, you can't kill me" Xavier exclaimed with extreme intensity. I watched as his hand unraveled from what was once a fist and his veins popped out of wrist and up his arm.

"I'll tell the others that you broke the law" Derek ultimately finished his sentence leaving Xavier's face bewildered. He turned to face Derek who was now standing up with one inadequate leg. His face was nearly competed it's healing progress.

"Excuse me?" Xavier question walking towards Derek slowly. My breathing began to catch up onto itself and loosened my grip orotund my legs.

"You heard me..." Derek assured Xavier. What rule was he talking about? Suddenly without any explanation, Xavier lunged into Derek causing them both to stumble down against the ground. I screamed, effortlessly asking for help. I watched as the two wolves ripped each other, Derek dug his claws Xavier's back causing Xavier to raw.

I heard fast footsteps coming down the wooden stairs, it was Kyle and Aaron. The both launched into brawl, Kyle grabbed Xavier while Aaron clasped his away around Derek. They were trying to reach each other's bodies, but they couldn't.

"Will you two quit it!" Kyle yelled at them both, I watched as his eyes began to change colour but he tamed them back to normal. Derek finally stopped agonising in Aaron's arms as he soon let his grip go. Xavier shoved Kyle's body away from him causing Kyle to stagger his feet.

"Your lucky this time Derek" Xavier declared, while elevating the basement in vexation. Everyone stood speechless as silence lurked the room.

"What was that about?" Aaron asked looking over at Derek, his face was completely healed, with so visible scratches or wounds. His leg was not entirely mended, but it didn't seem to bother him as much as before.

"Don't worry, I'll meet you guys up there" he pronounced, gesturing for the boys to leave us alone. They nodded and left us alone. I watched as his eyes returned back to their standard selves and his claws disappeared leaving his hands harmless.

"T-thank you" I managed to show my appreciation, but there was more. "This is all my fault, I'm really really truly sorry. I didn't m-" Derek cut me off.

"It's not your fault okay, Xavier is stubborn and vicious. He has no one to blame but himself" he guaranteed and came closer. "I'm going to go and wash up. I need to take this remainder blood left on me, and don't worry....I'll get you out of this mess. I promise" he declared and vanished up the stairs. I don't understand, he continues to tell me that he'll get me out of here, but why hasn't he yet? When will he do it? Why is he doing it? There has to be a valid reason as to why he continues to promise me?

Five days in this prisoned hell hole and still there is no chance of me escaping nor surviving. Xavier wants to kill me. Veronica wants to kill me. Kyle is quiet, how do I not know that he hates me? Aaron has to kill me? And last of all Derek wants to save me from being killed. They're werewolves, how can I trust any of them? This is utterly psychotic, how can I depend on them when they might want to eat me for dinner tonight? Oh god please no.

I want to attempt to escape but there is no possible way? Maybe when Kyle does his usual rounds I can make a run for it? But they'll easily hunt me down and kill me then and there. There is no use, here I am relying on Derek to save me once again. That what he tells me, but should I be listening? My mind is a jumbled up jigsaw.

My parents, my poor parents. Have they given up hope searching for me? I pray every night that they haven't. My friends, my life, my freedom...where has it all gone? Does it even exist anymore? What does freedom mean? My original life doesn't me seems familiar anymore, the world surrounding is unrecognisable.

I looked down at myself, my clothes torn and stained black. My hands are red and swelled, not as worst as my ankle that won't even attempt to move in its enclosed environment. I touched my cheeks and the cut was nearly healed, yet it still stings.

I wish I never stepped foot in the forest, this would never have happened. It is my fault, what I doing to believe Derek that I'm not guilty for my own death. Which reminds me, only two more days taking before I'm gone. All I have to do is continue believing in hope and wish that one day I will live my normal life once again.  


Hello! It's been aaaaaages since I've updated this book, sorry. But it's finally here. How are you guys? Good?...that's excellent.

Check out RochelleCarli 's books because they are a.m.a.z.i.n.g!

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Happy reading munchkins ~B xx

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