Who Did It?

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Liam POV

I can't believe it! When I saw the person who was visiting me I woke up even more. It was... Annie! I don't know how she found out but I told everyone not to tell her! She came to sit and hesitated to pick up the phone. I picked it up. "Liam... What happened?" she said then tears started to come down her cheek." when I came back home from driving you cops were at our house. They then arrested me for bombing the Spencer Blaine concert which I didn't do. Now my trial is in a few days. I'm either free to go or I have to go to jail for 5 years". She had more tears coming down her cheek. "who told you?" "That doesn't matter but why didn't you tell me?" she said. "I would've told you but I knew that you were in Paris and I didn't want to ruin that. I also didn't want you to worry about me when your in Paris." "if I'm in Paris or not you still have to tell me!" "look I'm sorry ok can we just move on?" I put my hand on the glass. She put her hand on the glass touching mine. "how did you get in this early?" "I have my ways" she said then we both let out a little laugh. Every time I'm with her she always make me happy even if I'm sad or mad. She makes me feel better. "I love you no matter what happens. I will always love you" "I love you too no matter what" . This is the part where we would kiss but we can't cause I'm on the other side of the glass. For awhile we just stared into each others eyes. She was looking into my light blue eyes and I was looking into her beautiful brown eyes. "I know who did this" "really? I was thinking of who it is and I think I got it but first you go" "ok I think it's Campbell because he wanted to get back at me and Navid for the while Cronus society thing" "Oh, well I was thinking it was Patrick because he said he was coming after my family and look what he did. He put drugs into Mark's bag. I'm pretty sure he bombed the concert. He shot me. When else can it be?" "your right... But who is it? Campbell or Patrick?" "I don't know". It was quiet for awhile. It was so hard to look at her. I wanted to cry everytime I looked at her. I started having tears coming down my cheeks. "Oh Liam it's ok" "no its not. What if I don't get out of here. How am I supposed to marry the love of my life if I'm in jail?! Annie I love you and I really want to get married but if I'm in jail for 5 years then I don't think we will have a wedding." "but Liam those are 'what ifs' . Do you have a lawyer?" "yes. It's Teddy's lawyer. She's really good." "wait Teddy? He's back in town?" "ya I asked him if he has a good lawyer. It's his uncle's lawyer." "is everyone back in town including Naomi?" "I think so" "Oh ok. Your trial is in a few days right? " "yes in 3 days. You WILL be there right? Because I need someone to be there and that makes me sure that I won't go to jail." "why would I miss my fiancés trial?of course I'll be there. And so will everyone else." she blew me a kiss and winked. She wore a pink tank top with sweats on. Her hair was in a hight messy ponytail. And she didn't have any makeup on. I can also tell that she was crying. I loved it when she got dressed like that. She looked original. She doesn't like wearing sweats but I find it looks sexy on her. "you look... -" "horrible. I know" "no I was going to say sexy. I love it when you dress this way." I said then growled at her. She laughed. I love her laugh. Her smile. The way she looks at me. "miss I'm sorry but your time is up. You have to leave now." the police officer said. "bye. Love you. I will visit you tomorrow" she blew me kiss and left. "Sir stay in your seat you have another visitor." "Oh ok." .
Police station :secretary
Dixon, Teddy and Navid signed the paper to go see Liam. When they were done they started walking when they saw Annie leaving. " hey Annie" Dixon said. She didn't answer. She just walked past them and left. "she's probably mad at me for not tell her that Liam's in jail. Who told her though?" " u don't k is dude but good luck trying to make it up to her" Navid said.

Annie POV

When I got home I went straight upstairs and got in bed. I started to sob. After about 1 hour I packed some of my clothes and left to go to Naomi's house. I got there and I saw that she was home. I knocked and she let me in . I walked in and started to cry. I fell into her arms. "Oh honey what's wrong?" "It's - it's Liam" "that jerk. Why does he keep doing it to you. You should stop trusting him." " no its not like that. He got arrested for bombing the Spencer Blaine concert but he didn't do it. He can go to jail for 5 years!" I said then started to cry even more. "Oh honey stay with me until we actually find out if he's going to jail or not. Anyways Jordan stayed in DC so I'm lonely in this huge house. We'll have a girl night. We can invite Adriana and Silver!" "ok I'll go put my stuff upstairs in the guest room" "I'll call Adriana and Silver right now!". I left the kitchen to go upstairs. My phone beeped. It was from Ivy. It said "hey Annie! I heard what happened to Liam. I'm really sorry. Congrats on your engagement and your book. I read all of your book. Anyways I'm coming back to LA because me and Diego needed a break from Brazil. I'm coming back tonight I just got plane tickets. Can pick me up at the airport at 6 please?! Anyways can't wait to see you! Peace out - Ivy " I screamed." what's wrong? "Naomi said and rushed upstairs." Ivy is coming back to town tonight! We have to go pick her up in 2 hours! " yay! There's another person that can make us feel better!" . She went downstairs. I texted Ivy back "hey Ivy! I'm so exited that your coming back! Naomi has arranged a girls night tonight with Adriana and Silver. I will pick you up and the we can start the girls night! Can't wait to see you! - xoxo Annie". I put my alarm on my phone for 5:45 so I can pick Ivy up. I threw my phone on the bed and fell backward and went to sleep. Beep Beep Beep Beep. I woke up and left to go pick Ivy up. "a hhhhhhhhh! Ivy!" "Annie! I'm so glad you came!" "come in let's go we can catch up at our girls night!" "ok let's go!" . We got to Naomi's and Adriana and Silver were already there. "guess who's baaack?!" "Ivy! Omg! Ivy!" Ade said "Ivy Omg ! Your here!" Silver said. "yup I came back because I wanted a break from Brazil and Mexico. I went to both." Ivy said . They both hugged her. We started talking about Brazil, Mexico, Liam, Jordan, Navid, cancer, babies and our future. We all changed and watched a movie. We watched the weirdest movie ever. It was so wierd you can even explain. Adriana, Silver and Ivy all fell asleep. We fell asleep because we were tired.

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