No Idea- Chapter 7

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Alex's P.O.V

During the movie I couldn't help but laugh at how Jack is acting. He has his knees tucked up in his chest while his eyes are wide and mouth adjar. I'm not really paying attention to the movie mostly just Jack. "Gosh I really like this boy.." I mumble under my breath in case Jack does hear me.

I strech out on my bed and pull my arms up behind my head and close my eyes. Relaxing right now feels like paradise next to all the homework at school I finally got done and football practice. Also having to deal with Jasey on how I'm going to dump her easily, and how Trevor keeps seeing me and Jack hanging out makes my heart drop and feel like it'll jump out of my chest. If he finds out I don't know what he will do to Jack and me too. It's a risky thing to do but it is worth me being happy with who I'm with.

After a few minutes I'm dragged out of my thoughts by my phone vibrating on my nightstand. I flick my eyes to it to see the message light blinking. I sigh and open the message and I feel like I'm about to throw up. My eyes scan over Trevors message over and over until I drop my phone.

*Alex..u need 2 stp hangin wit gay boy now unless u wnt the whole skool 2 find out..nd i will kick his ass if u dnt..let him dwn hes a useless peice of lyfe nyway..*


The next day me and Jack find ourselves walking around a small park hands tangled with the other and talking about the dumbest things. I keep thinking this is a very bad idea to do this. But everytime I see Jack, I grin like a child when they walk into a candy store. Only one thing that keeps creeping up into my mind and burning holes is that I'm dating Jasey and Jack. I'm cheating on both with the other. I feel a wave of nausia wash over me and I stop dead in my tracks. I remeber what the message Trevor sent me last night when Jack was watching Home Alone way to into it. He told me that he has seen me and Jack hanging out to many times and he is jumping to the conclusion that I'm gay. And if I don't stay away from Jack, he will tell the school and beat the shit out of Jack.

I feel a tug on my hand where I stopped Jack while he was talking about something stupid. "Alex? Alex what's wrong? Are you okay?" I hear him babble on and on while I look up to him with wide eyes and just watch him shaking my head. I take a small step away from him and swallow the lump forming in my throat.

"J-jack..I think- I think that we shouldn't do this, I can't date you and Jasey it just isn't right. I-i'm sorry. Like you said last night, this is probley a stage for me. I am truley sorry for leading you on like this but on a lower note I think we shouldn't be friends either.." I say looking down my voice craking and tears burning my eyes. I can't see him sad, I don't want to see the pain in his features that I caused. And I also don't want him getting more hurt by Trevor for just hanging around me. I go and turn away when Jack grabs my shoulder and spining me around to face him.

"Alex what do you mean we cannot be f-friends? I-i'm sorry that I l-let this happen..but p-please..I love seeing your smile, y-your laugh and mostly your eyes. Please don't do this.." he practicaly begs to me which makes my heart feel it was torn out my chest, stomped on and put back. I squirm out of his grip and say something I regret myself.

"Jack..I cannot have myself seen at school with a pathetic gay boy following me around. I wish it never rained that day so I never met you." I snap turning around and I walk what seem 10 steps till I'm stopped again. "A-alex you don't mean th-those things..I know how you f-feel about me, you said yourself that your own m-other doesn't b-believe your straight." He says whiping the tears that fell from his eyes. I roll my eyes. He is making this harder than it was meant to be. Why can't he just accept this and leave me alone for his own good? I let out a shaky sigh and try to wiggle myself away. That only makes Jack tighten his grip on my arm.

I ball my fist up in anger and I let it sink into his stomach hard. I hear him gasp as the air in his lungs is knocked out and he falls to the ground coughing. He looks up at me for a second and sits up on his knees. "I-i th-though you were d-diffrent from h-him.." he manages to spit out and gasping for air. I stumble away backwards eyes wide noticing what I just did. I let the tears fall and run. I run and run until my legs start burning and become wobbly.

"What did I just do.." I question myself as I crumble and fall onto the hard ground curling up. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I dig it out to see a new message from Trevor. I scowl and throw it a good 10 feet till I hear it crash onto hard pavement. I curl up tighter sobbing until my eyes are raw and my nose is running.

It feels like forever until I get up and look around to see where I am. I'm not too far from the park and I decide to start my way over to park because my house if only a few minutes away. I pull my hood up and loo:k to the dark blue sky, star scattering across it. My lips curl up a little until I feel my eyes tingling and my smile fades away replaced by a frown.

I haven't felt this way since Daniel passed away. Just that tought makes me stop in my tracks and my knees wobbly. I push the thought away and keep walking until I'm at my front door, I rub my eyes with the back of my palms and open the door closing it behind me.

"Alex? Is that you?" I hear my mother say from the living room. I look up to see her looking at me in concern. I shrug off my jacket and take my chucks off. "Oh, Alex what happend?" She asks taking my l jacket from my hand hanging it up. I didn't know where I was going until I was seated in the living room my mom facing me from the couch a few inches away from me.

I look down at my lap uncomfortable with the silence that fell over the room between my mom and I. "Alex, what happend? Is it to do with Jack?" My mother asks and I nod softly sniffling. "M-mom..I-..Trevor blackmailed me..he said that if I don't stop hanging out with Jack he'll tell the school that I'm gay and he will hurt Jack badly..and I-i punched-" that's as far as I could say before I started crying again.

I feel my mom wrap her arms around me trying to calm me. "Alex, if Trevor blackmailed you like that he isn't a good friend at all. And I know you did this to protect him but all you did was hurt need to fix this." She tells me when I finally calm down. I nod because she's right, I did that to protect him but I really didn't. When I'm done crying I go to get up before my mom stops me.

"Oh Alex, Jack did stop by to drop something off for you 30 minutes ago.." she says getting up going to the kitchen to get something leaving me there with my heart pounding. He was here? Jack came here to drop something off for me? After what I did to him, he still came to my house. I feel light headed until my mom comes back with an envelope and a medium sized red velvet box. I take them from her and head to my room.

I sit on my bed and open the envelope and take out a peice of paper with scribbled words across the page.

"Alex, I understand your decison and I agree. I wouldn't want the school making up rumours about us and even worse, Trevor. I just wanted you to know that even though you don't want to be friends you have a special place in my heart..although that sound cheesey but I don't care.

"When our lips touched that first time in my house, I swear I felt like I've never kissed anyone before. Also I know you're confussed about what you want but I still don't think this is a stage for you..just understand that if you change your mind I will be waiting. -Jack,P.s- hope you like what's in the box.."

I get done reading the letter in small sobs and tears. I can't believe I hurt him. He was the nicest person that has ever wasted their time on me next to my brother. I re-read over it 5 times before I open the box. I let a smile onto my face when I see a golden heart with the words 'forever in my heart' engraved onto it.

"Why did I do this to you Jack?..." I whisper to myself still sitting in my bed. I put the necklace on and lay down on my bed thinking of Jack before I slowly fall asleep.


A/N: okay tell me if this is good or not please? I told you a twist..and Jack may or may not do some stupid stuff next chalter, probley not because I really suck at wrting those type of things haha, but I will try just to warn ya..byee :) oh and I hope you enjoy this story

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