No Idea- Chapter 3

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Alex's P.O.V

After what I saw in the hallway, I was mortified. I mean I knew Trevor bullied him. I just never really knew his name or how sweet he sounds. What Trevor said kept ringing through out my head. "Listen here faggot, you stay away from Alex." Was the most harshest thing I've heard him say. He actually isn't a bad guy if you get to know him for a while, but then he can flip and become the bigest ass you'll ever meet. He can't control who I talk to or hang out with. And what he said about Jasey really made me want to go over to him and punch him. He doesn't know if I like her, he doesn't know my love life. I don't like her. She is a..well I can't even express it correctly.

But what really hit me hard was to see Jack just break down in front of me. It made me just go over to him and hug him and tell the boy it's alright. But what keeps nipping at me, is the fact I am not gay. I like girls, I have a girlfriend, I was raised in a house that doesn't really accept it either. Maybe I am, or this is just a stage. But like I said to Jack, I don't know what I like. I'm beyond confussed. But I didn't lie when I can't get him off my mind, no matter how hard I try he's just there. I oddly like having him in my mind. It makes me smile. I've never thought of any girl or even Jasey this much. There's something about Jack that set my thoughts into overdrive. Something between us clicked and I don't know what.


"Did you see his face when I said, 'your a pathetic waste of life'? It was hilarious! I don't get why he just doesn't one likes him here other than the gay peice if shit boy that follows him..what's his name? Oh Rian." Trevor tells me laughing while we throw a football back and forth at practice. "Trev shut up..I mean I was there I saw it." I shoot back throwing the football a little to hard. He gives a confussed look as he tisses it back. "What do you mean shut up? I don't have to I mean seriously he is a gay boy..nothing special about him really." He shrugs, I roll my eyes wishing coach will put me on the bench so I don't have to hear this. I wish I could just punch him right here. He doesn't know Jack's lie story. Well I don't either but I can see in his eyes something is wrong.

"Gaskarth! On the bench you've had enough practicing for today. The rest of you run 20 laps!" I hear coach and I smile like a fool when I hear the team scowl at me. I take me helmet off and jog to the bench. "Hey coach..could I leave early? I have a project for history and I need my grade up." I ask coach grabbing my bag. When I see him nod I sprint to the showers. I never really shower after practice but I really don't think Jack would like me smelling of sweat and dirt either.

After the shower I don't bother drying my hair instead I pull on a beanie along with my skinny jeans and Blink-182 shirt and head to the student parking lot. When I see Jack standing at my car I can't help but let a smile creep upon my face. "Hey.." I say opening the trunk throwing my bag in. I see him jump and look down. "Hi.." he says meekly as he gets in my car. I put the key in the egnition and start it up.

The car ride was mostly quite except for some attempts to try a conversation. I look over the adress scribbled onto a torn out peice of paper. 330 Thames st. My eyes widen, that's only 5 houses down from mine. "Jack..your house is only 5 down from mine." I say chuckling as I turn onto the street. I slow down a little and pull into his driveway.

My mouth drops a little when I look up to it. It's 3 stories with about 4 trees in the front and bushes surround the walkway to the door. How have I never noticed this house before? "T-this is your house?!." I stutter a little as I get out of my car grabbing my bag from the back following Jack to the door. " parents own a big buisness company so we are rich I guess.." he says as he opens the door. I didn't have time to examine the room because I followed Jack up to his room. I was amazed by the size. It was a little small not to bigger than mine.

The colour on the walls is a shade a grey but not toom dark. There were posters of bands like Blink-182 and The Maine. There were clothes covering the floor. I chuckle as I see him scramble to pick some up. I sit myself on his bed as I look around the room. I feel the bed shift next to me. I turn my head to see Jack sitting close to me.

"So what you want to do the project on?" He asks scooting a little away from me. I shrug as I take out me textbook flipping through the pages until I land on the chapter. "Uhmmmm....I have no clue really." I reply giving him a toothy grin making him blush a little looking at me. "How about on Anne Frank?" He asks still looking at me making me slightly uncomfortable. I nod an 'okay' and we begin on the priject.

After a few hours of working we finish. We figured out we have mostly nothing in common but a few. We both like playing guitar, both love music and our favorite bands are Blink-182 and The Maine. That's mostly it. We also gave eachother our numbers if we want to hang out again anytime. Which I mostly hope is soon. I love his personality, his smile when he laughs. I just like him. Maybe he may be abke to answer the questions I haven't been able to answer myself.

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