No Idea- Chapter 10

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Jack's P.O.V

When the bell rung for lunch I didn't waste time getting to the lunchroom because I don't want the daily beating from Trevor today. Although he hasn't done anything to me the past few weeks and it's freaking me out. I finally get to the lunchroom and when I spot Rian i shuffle over to him quickly and sit down next to him. He's been my friend since pre-school and when a kid stole his crayonsIhelped him steal his animal crackers. Rian is like my second brother next to Joe, he knows I like Alex and what he did to me too. And he wants me to get over him. I would be lieing if I say I haven't tried. Everytime I try to forget about him, he pops up in my mind and I feel like I'm not suppose to forget or lose him at all. And that makes me nervous because of Trevor, though he hasn't beat me up yet and makes me think he's planning something worse than anything else he has done.

"Jack?...Jack helloo? Jack!" I hear Rian yell at me followed by a slap in the face.

"What the fuck was that for!?" I shoot back glaring back at him punching him in the arm when he starts laughing. I lightly rub the now throbing spot on my face.

"Well sorry that you were spacing out like a crazy person, well as I was saying, do you wanna hang after school?" He asks me taking a bite out of his sandwich staring at me waiting for an answer. Should I tell him that I already have plans with Alex to talk things out? I mean he's my bestfriend, he's been there when nobody else was especially my parents. But since I told him what Alex did to me he's been a little over protective and watching out for Alex trying to talk to me.

But I'm not a baby, I can take care of this myself. Everyone needs to take the risk of going through ruff spots before they find the person they fell for in the beginning. And I'm going to take that risk with Alex because no matter what we had or still may have, I'm not throwing it away even though I said I am. I take a deep breath and let it out before I turn and face Rian.

"Ri I c-can't I uhm...I-I have plans to talk things over with Alex.." I tell him my words getting softer as each is thrown off my tounge. I look down because I don't want to  see the anger in his eyes, but he had a right to know because if I kept it from him he would've fund out and he'd be madder than he is now. I slowly lift my gaze up to Rian to see his eyes filled with confusion and anger, he opens and closes his mouth just staring at me.

"What do you mea-" Rian is cut off by someone to our right. I look over to see Zack staring at us. I weakily nod and he sits down. I look over to see Rian staring at him like he's a freak with two heads, I don't blame him either, half my highschool life has been me getting bullied and teased by the football team. I nudge Rian in the arm and give him a "stop looking at him like that" look. We both turn our backs to him and thats when Rian yells at me.

"What do you mean you're gonna "talk things over" with him?! I thought I said don't bother with him anymore and yet you go and beg to talk with him after school!" he whisper screams at me. I grit my teeth, he has no fucking clue what he's talking about at all. He has no right to assume things like he fucking knows everything between me and Alex.

"You have no fucking right to go and assume shit like that all. I didnt go to him, he came to me in History and literally begged me. Did you ever stop and think that I can do this myself? I'm not a baby no matter how much you want me to act like one." I tell him through gritted teeth glaring at him. He doesn't tell me what to do at all, I can socialize with anyone I want to even if he doesn't like it. Alex has made an impact on me and I'm not going to push it away just because the one person that is remotely close to doesn't.

'Hey Zack.." I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around in time to see Alex sit down and look at me before he squirms in his sit under Rian's glare. Rian puts his hand on my shoulder looking at me in complete and utter disapointment. "Jack, do what ever you want but don't come crawling to me when he does something to you again.." he says getting up giving Alex one more glare before he storms off leaving me feel like an unwanted puppy. I slowly get up and walk over to where the lockers are. I can't believe I just lost one of the closest person I had to turn to because they didn't like my decison.

"Hey Bara-fag!" I hear someone yell out behind me. My blood turns cold and I turn around to see Trevor and his "gang" walking over to me. "It seems like our little friend Gaskarth didn't do as we said, now you have to pay.." he sneers at me. I'm dumbfounded, what does he mean Alex didn't do as he said?

"What are y-you talking a-about?" I whimper taking a small step back. Trevor bursts out laughing like I'm a complete idiot. "I told Alex to stay away from you or I'd beat you up more than I did in the past, which he decided to not do, which now means your in for a little treat." he says darkly and I gulp. So all this time Alex was helping me by breaking my heart, and now he's gonna let me get hurt because of his stupidity. I get thrown out of my thoughts by a sharp pain in my eye where Trevor punched my in the face making me stumble backwards and falls down. I whimper holding my face trying not to let the tears fall. Two of Trevor's friends pick me up and head back to the lunchroom where I just came from.

"Gaskarth! I thought I told you to stay away from Bara-fag over here.." Trevor sneers at Alex. I see him turn around and his face whitens as he glances at me. I divert my eyes downwards not wanting to look at him at the moment. All I want is to run away and never come back. Get away from all this shit I get. 


A/N: this is really late it's just that Wattpad was being a meany to me and kept deleting all I wrote but now it's working :D yayayay hahaha thanks to all you that have faned me, read this and also voted :,) love you all!!!!

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