My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 2

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  Uh oh... Maybe my master plan hadn't worked after all...

"HOW. DARE YOU?" he questioned, his voice booming across the room. "NO ONE - let me repeat - NO ONE gets to talk to Arnav Singh Raizada in that tone and get away with it," he said, with gritted teeth. I stood there frozen, partly due to fear and partly because I was trapped by his firm grip on my arms. 

The only other time I had ever felt this helpless before was when my parents had passed away in a car accident and I was only eight years old at the time. I only had my Jiji with me, who was barely a year older than me, and life as we had known it had ended. In a matter of seconds, Jiji and I had become orphans and it had felt like our whole world had come crashing down. The worst part was that I hardly knew what death was and the mere thought of our parents never returning had crushed me. At that moment I had felt utterly powerless. And that feeling was returning now as I stood there, restricted by his strong arms, looking up at him with barely hidden fear. It felt like my life was in his hands - LITERALLY

I struggled in his grip, trying to get away as far as possible. But he tightened his hold on me, bringing tears to my eyes with the pain of it. Through my clouded vision, I saw his eyes soften a little bit as he looked into my tear-filled eyes, and I felt his grip loosen. But he still hadn't let go. That gave me a tiny spark of hope in my little heart which had silently longed for him to be the hero. My hero. Maybe he wasn't as bad as I thought he was. That look couldn't be fake could it? Wait - where did that come from? My hero? True that I had admired his looks but that didn't mean he was my hero! Khushi Kumari Gupta get a hold on yourself, I berated myself. This is probably what he had wanted to achieve and you are giving him exactly what he wants. Great. I decided to take a moment to clear my head of this confusion once and for all, when he spoke. 

"Look," he said in a surprisingly calm voice. I understand you have been through a lot in one mere day, but you need to listen to me.' His voice seemed so soothing at that moment that I really and truly wanted to believe him with my full heart. That was until he said, you have no choice,' sternly, as his gaze hardened. What an arrogant man! And why was he so confusing? One second he seemed like the most understanding person in the world and the next he became a complete aloof stranger! What did he think of himself?! That I was his slave? What did he say again? Oh haan - you have no choice.' I had all the choice in the world and I would show him. 

"Dekhiye (Look)," I started angrily, but I was cut off as he swiftly covered my mouth with his hand. As his hand came into contact with my lips, I felt tiny sparks explode all over my skin. My eyes shot up to meet his, and all my anger flew out of the window and I was so confused at these new sensations that I had never experienced before. As we gazed at each other, I saw his eyes carry a very similar shock to mine and those eyes seemed to penetrate deep into my soul - but it only lasted for a fraction of a second. He blinked and all the warmth was gone again. It was as though that moment had never happened. In that instant, I understood one thing about him. He didn't seem to like feeling. If he started to feel, he didn't like to show it. And if he showed his feelings by any chance, he would hide it QUICK. And he was definitely good at hiding his feelings. I sighed. Was it possible to hate someone and lov- no, I mean... like someone at the same time?

He took a deep breath and his gaze and jaw hardened again, as his body became stiff. "Jab mein baath karrahaahun toh beechmein math bolo. Samjhi? (When I'm talking to you, then don't interrupt. Understand?) ," he questioned. I merely nodded as I couldn't speak because of his hand over my mouth. Let me start again. My name is Arnav Singh Raizada and I'm a police officer. Whether you are aware or not aware, it is the truth that your life is in danger and it has been for the past few months. I know you're confused and it's hard to believe, but this is the truth. You will understand everything if you give me a chance to explain. Isiliye chup chaapse meri baat suno (So listen to me without fussing) ." I could only stare at him trying to calm down my nerves. "If I take off my hand will you listen quietly, without creating any drama?" he asked. I nodded, so he took his hand off slowly. As he let go of me, I became aware of our close proximity so I took a step back to put some space between us.

He cleared his throat and started, "as I said, you're life has been in danger for the past few months. Who? What? Why? I can't answer any of these questions but I can only tell you that your life was and is still in danger. I have been assigned by the police to protect you and handle this case. In fact I have been watching over you for these past few months for your own safety. I was doing the same today and I when I saw you jump into the water, I jumped in to save you. By then the goons had already run away... This is my colleague, Aman's house. I brought you here because it's probably the safest place for you at the moment. And... " He struggled for a few seconds as though embarrassed about something. "And... Aman's sister changed your..." I blushed as I realised what he wanted to tell me. This was so embarrassing. "I just wanted to say that there is nothing to worry about," he finished off. Then he looked at me as though he was waiting for me to say something...

Nothing to worry about. Right. "Ummm... voh..." Truthfully I didn't know what to say. How was one to react when they found out that their life is in danger? Or even worse, that their life had been in danger for months AND they had been followed by a police officer everywhere they went, and they had no idea? My mind literally became chaotic with a thousand questions propping up all at once. Suddenly I asked, "How many months is a few months?' And why is my life in danger?" As I spoke everything he said finally clicked, and it felt like someone had suddenly put a boulder on my head!

I didn't realise he was about to answer my question because I was too busy worrying. "Hey Devi Maiyya! Hamaari jaan katremein hain!!! Lekin humne toh kuch nahi kiya! Humne kabhi kisiki burai nai ki toh phir kyun???? Nahi nahi. Yeh nahi ho saktha. Zarur aapko koi galat femi hogi. Haan. (My life is in danger! But I haven't done anything! I've never done anything bad to anyone, then why???? No no. This can't be true. I'm sure you must have had some misunderstanding. Yes.)" I said, turning to him, even though I was talking more to myself than him. He opened his mouth to say something when, "JIJI!!!! BUAJI!!!!! Hey Devi Maiyya, they must be looking for me! By now Buaji would now be calling me all the names in the world! Sanka devi, Parameshwari, Nandkishore, and what not!" I exclaimed, becoming slightly hysterical.

"Dekhiye, hume abhi ki abhi jaana hai. Nahi toh humaari Buaji or Jiji hume dhoondthe dhoondthe parishaan ho jaayenge. Hume bachaanekeliye bohot bohot dhaniyevaad. Hum chalte hai, namaste (Look, I have to leave immediately. Otherwise by Buaji and Jiji will become very worried looking for me. Thank you very much for saving me. I'm going to leave now, bye)," I spoke hurriedly before turning to leave, completely ignoring the way he gritted his teeth at being ignored like this.

"Tum nahi jaa sakthe ho!" he said quietly, but with an underlying warning tone. I swiftly turned around in shock as he said that.

"KYA?!!! Kyun??? (What?!!! Why???) " I exclaimed. What did he mean I couldn't go? Then what about my family! Why didn't he understand? I had to go. When he saw my panicked face, he took a deep breath as though trying to calm himself down.

"Your life is in danger. It has been for months, but they didn't do anything all these months, except follow you. But now they've actually started to attack. There is a very high chance of them coming for you again, and we can't afford to risk that so you have to be kept in a safe place," he explained bluntly.

As he spoke, the reality of the situation kicked in with full force. Until yesterday, my life was completely normal - nothing any more exciting than usual - which was a good thing. And now it seemed like my life was in a complete mess. Firstly, I get chased by a load of goons and nearly die by drowning in the water which I jumped into without any choice. Then I find myself in an unfamiliar place with a complete stranger who tells that he has been protecting me from some kind of danger that I wasn't even aware of until now. And to make things one hundred times even worse, he now tells me I can't even go home to my family! It felt like my complete life had been turned upside down! What will I tell my Buaji and Jiji? Will I even get to see them?! I felt tears sting my eyes at the thought. What will happen now? What was I meant to do? Where will I go? I felt tired all of a sudden and I saw the room spin. And then everything went dark.

The last thing I remembered were a pair of strong arms engulfing me into their warmth in the darkness.  

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