Chapter 47

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My Imperfect Mr Perfect – Chapter 47

As she watched the dress burn bit by bit, she felt a kind of satisfaction grow within herself.

Just like Arnav had said, it definitely made her feel a whole lot better.

As Khushi watched on, Arnav slid his arm around her waist, watching the flames with her, just being there with her...

As the last of the flames died down, Arnav turned to Khushi and cupped her face, gazing into Khushi's eyes intensely.

"Khushi, the moment we were waiting for has finally come. Now there's no Shyam, no L75, no danger lurking behind us. Just me. You. Us. Remember what you said last night? That you couldn't wait for our happy ending? We can finally have that Khushi," Arnav said, happiness shining in his eyes.

Khushi couldn't help but smile as she heard him. He was right – they could finally have their happy ending now.

"But for that, I need you to erase everything that happened today from your mind. From now, this moment, you will only think about us and our future okay? Just forget everything that happened today okay?" Arnav said, to which Khushi nodded.

"Well, actually maybe not everything from today. Like what happened in the morning..." he said cheekily, making Khushi blush tomato red. "Oh and in Sheetal's room," he added, referring to their little hot encounter.

But instead of Khushi blushing more, she narrowed her eyes at him.

Pulling him towards her by his vest she asked, "By the way what happened in that room between you and Sheetal? What did that chudail say to you?"

'Aah, my possessive tigress is back! This will be fun,' he thought.

Arnav looked at Khushi with a smirk.


"She... err... It's probably best if I don't tell you anyways," he said, making her curiosity pique.

"Tell me," she demanded.

"Errmm well..." Arnav struggled. "Leave it Khushi, you won't be able to handle what happened between us," he said, not only increasing her curiosity but also her jealousy.

"Tell me NOW," she said authoritatively, tightening her grip on his vest, her anger increasing by the second now.

"Voh... Errr..." Arnav's fingers went up to his lips, caressing them as if reminiscing something that happened earlier with Sheetal.

And his play had the desired effect.

Khushi looked as if she was a volcano about to erupt.

"That bi***! Watch what I do to her!" Khushi was about to walk out of the room in her anger to the police station, when she felt herself being pulled back into a pair of arms.

"Easy my tigress. Aise jaougi? (You'll go like this?)" he asked, looking her up and down. After all, she was just standing in her salwar bottoms and her bra.

Khushi didn't say anything – she just stood there glaring at the floor in annoyance. She was so irritated that she didn't even care about her lack of clothes anymore.

"It's gone red," he said.

She just looked up at him for a second before letting her eyes set back down to the floor again.

"Your nose," he said, flicking it lightly, admiring the way her face was flushed in anger.

Sighing, he finally decided to relieve her of her burning jealousy. "I was just joking to rile you up Khushi," he said, tapping her nose with his own.

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