My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 16

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"You will do anything?" he asked with a smirk.

"Of course," Khushi said with a confident smile on her face.

"ANYTHING?" Arnav asked, taking a step closer to Khushi.

"Y-yes," replied Khushi, slightly unsure now.

"You sure?" Arnav asked in a husky voice, his breath washing over Khushi's face.

"H-h-haa-an," replied an uncertain Khushi.

Arnav's smirk grew wider as he saw Khushi getting nervous. He stepped even closer, making Khushi take a step back - or at least try to. She tried to step back, only to have her legs hit the bed, making her fall back due to the unexpected impact. Arnav tried to catch her, but he was too late. Instead he himself got pulled and fell on Khushi, his lips landing on hers by accident.

Time froze.

They froze.

Both of their minds went blank.


They remained in that position for a few moments, both unable to move.

Khushi was the first one to come back to her senses. When she realised their position, she gave a push on Arnav's chest, but she wasn't strong enough to be able to push him off her. But she did however manage to bring him back to this world.

As soon as he gained his senses back, Arnav removed his lips from hers, and brought himself off her, coming to stand up, looking everywhere but at Khushi.

Seeing her struggle to get up through the corner of his eye, he outstretched his hand towards her for her to take it, still looking away from her.

Khushi looked up at his hand, unsure of whether she should take the help or not. A few moments after struggling to get up herself, she gave up and clasped his hand.

Arnav pulled her up at once, causing her to land on his chest, while he steadied her with his free hand by holding her waist.

As soon as she was steady, Arnav himself stepped away this time. He had to get away from here. Otherwise he would end up doing something he would deeply regret later.

Without a word he walked towards the door, wanting to get out as soon as possible. However, just as he was going to step out of the door, he turned back, and muttered a quick, "s-s-so-sorry," before walking out.

"What was that?!" Arnav berated himself. What was he doing back there?! He'd k-k-kis-sed her!! Arnav found it hard to even THINK the word.

Even though Arnav had so many girls throwing themselves at him, he'd never bothered to even give them a single look. Till date, he had never been in a relationship with any girl. Forget relationship - he hasn't been on a single date! Anything to do with the feelings of love and desire were completely alien to him.

So all his new-found feelings towards Khushi confused the hell out of him. Now standing outside the house, he could still feel her soft lips on his. The sensation made his lips tingle. What were these feelings?

The kiss was an accident and he knew that. But what puzzled him was why he hadn't pulled away faster. Why couldn't he move? Or rather, why didn't he wantto move? Why did it all just feel so... right? Why?

He didn't know the answer to any of these questions. But one thing he did get the gist of was that he was getting attracted to Khushi. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he couldn't hide from the fact that those few seconds had done something to him. He'd wanted to do so much more that even he himself couldn't understand - and to be honest he didn't want to understand.

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