Epilogue A

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Arnav had no answer.

"I don't know why you're doing this Arnav, but let me tell you one thing. You're no less than a married man already! You're committed to her while she's committed to you. She cooks for you, she looks after your needs, you look after her, earn for her, live in her house with her family, you look after her family as your own, you're possessive of her, she's possessive of you... The only think lacking here is the mangalsutra on her neck and the sindoor on her forehead, Arnav. Other than that, you're basically a married man already. So why not make it official and finally give your relation a name. A true name that society will accept and respect?"

With that Akash stormed off into the house.

Slowly, Arnav too made his way into the house.

They all sat in the living room chatting while he walked straight to his room, their calls falling on deaf ears as he shut the door behind him.

For a long time, he didn't come out of the room, completely worrying Khushi.

And when he finally did come out 3 hours later, he said something that shocked everyone.

"I'm ready to marry Khushi."


Everyone cheered as soon as they heard the words come out of Arnav's mouth.

Everyone except Khushi.

While Buaji, Payal and Akash were gushing over the news, Khushi stood silent.

"I don't agree," Khushi said, making everyone go quiet suddenly.

"I need to speak to you alone, Arnavji," she requested.

"Titaliya?" Buaji sensed that something was wrong. Very wrong.

"I just need to speak to him for a few minutes Buaji," Khushi replied.

Buaji nodded, giving her permission, although inside she was worried just like Payal and Akash were.

Khushi walked into Arnav's room, with Arnav following behind.

Once the door was closed, Khushi turned around to face Arnav and asked, "What are you doing Arnavji?"

"What am I doing? I said I'm ready to marry you. Do you not want to marry me, Khushi?" he replied, casually.

"This is not about me, Arnavji. This is about you. Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Did someone say something to you?"

Arnav shook his head and was about to open his mouth to retort, but Khushi stepped forward and cupped his face in her hands.

"Arnavji, there's nothing I want more than to marry you, be your wife, have your kids and have a happily ever after with you. But, I want all of this only when you want it too. I don't want you to be forced to marry me. Your happiness means more to me than the idea of marriage, Arnavji."

As Arnav heard her words, he finally realised how selfish he'd been all these days.

Here, this girl was thinking about his happiness even when the door to her dreams was standing right in front of her. And then there was him, who had been blinded by his own fear so much that he'd refused to give into her dreams, her happiness.

He felt so guilty for not giving her the happiness she deserved, all these days.

'But will marriage really bring us happiness? Wouldn't it ruin what we have between us?' a part of him thought.

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