Chapter 32

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"Why am I being this way? I've never... I... I've never been so... These feelings..." Khushi struggled to form the words.

"This isn't me... It just isn't me..." she said, almost talking to herself, wondering what changed.

"It is you Khushi. It's just a new you," he tried to assure her, but her confused expressions didn't change a single bit.

He flipped them over so that she was now lying on her back and he was on his side, facing her propped up on his elbow.

"Khushi," he cupped her face with one hand. "You're transitioning."

Arnav saw Khushi's perplexed face and continued, "You're transitioning... From a girl to a woman," he said.

He watched the flit of emotions on her features until understanding finally settled in for her.

He gazed lovingly into her eyes before placing a quick yet affectionate peck on her lips whispering, "My woman."


Khushi felt tingles in her stomach at the words – no matter how many times she'd heard him call her as 'his,' before, it gave her the same sparks now as it did when she'd heard it the first time.

And she couldn't help the blush that now highlighted her cheeks.

Unable to contain her shyness she turned to her side and hid her face into Arnav's chest while she clutched onto his shirt with one hand.

Arnav chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her – even though they'd come so far and crossed so many boundaries, his Khushi was still so shy sometimes.

And he could only feel lucky that this amazing girl with so many shades was his.

He placed an adoring kiss on her hair as she snuggled into his chest further.

They stayed in that position for a few more peaceful moments before Khushi leaned back. "By the way I'm still angry at you," she said, poking at his chest angrily.

"Oh really? Then what about what you did?" he asked, his tone reflecting hers.

"I told you this before! I had to say that to gain Shyam's trust and you know that! So I don't know why you're making it a big deal! What YOU did however doesn't have any excuse! You did it on purpose!" she said, her voice raising by the second.

"Don't you think I know that?! I know you did it to bring yourself away from Shyam! But that still doesn't stop your words from bloody hurting!" he said, his voice raising as equally.

"Well I didn't do it intentionally, unlike you!" she replied.

All of a sudden, another thought occurred to her. Before he could give an answer she said, "Wait... Why in the world are you even upset over this? This is Shyam for God's sake! He is a criminal who rapes girls and basically wanted to do the same to me and you think... you think I can ever have feelings for him?"

"Ok forget that – how many times have I told you that I am yours. That I belong to you. That I'm YOUR Khushi?" She paused. And then continued, "I... I let you come close to me Arnavji! I let you cross so many boundaries that I wouldn't let other men even come close to. And... you think I can still have feelings for another man after all that? Seriously?"

She looked up almost uncertainly at Arnav as she took her finger off his chest and pulled herself away from him. "Is that what you think of me Arnavji?" she whispered brokenly.

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