My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part I)

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Arnav hadn't read the contents of the file yet because he thought that he and Khushi could read it together.

So when they were sitting on the sofa comfortably, he passed the file to Khushi and just said, "Open it."


"Arnavji, you can just tell me what's in the file. No need to give me the file itself," she said.

"I know Khushi, but I don't know what's in it either."

"Huh? You haven't read it?" she asked, surprised.

"Have I spent a minute away from you since I got that file?" he questioned back, his voice unintentionally turning husky.

Khushi blushed. Of course!' Khushi thought. He hadn't even touched the file after Akash bhai had given it to him yesterday. He'd only picked it up a minute ago and straight away he had given it to her.

Suddenly she felt a little apprehensive of opening the file alone. She had no idea what was inside...

She inched closer to Arnav, yearning for his support.

And Arnav, understanding her plight, put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer, silently giving her the strength she needed.

Khushi opened the file, and there on the first page there were only two words in bold on the page. SHASHI GUPTA.'

"What is this?" she asked Arnav. "Why does it have my papa's name on this?"

"Read it and see." That was the only reply she got from Arnav.

As she turned the pages, all she saw was incidents that happened in her father's lives. There were even a few incidents from her father's childhood, but most of it was from his business life.

As she briefly skimmed over the information, she guessed that it was some kind of background check on her father.

And then after a few more pages, there was another page saying, "KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA."

And this came as an even bigger shock to Khushi. Why did he do a background check on her?

Instantly a sprout of doubt rose in her mind. Did he not trust her? Is that why he wanted information on her? All that trust that they had built up together - was that all a lie?

But then the very next minute, she pushed those thoughts out of her head. No, she can't judge things without hearing him out. Trust isn't always just about trusting the other person with unknown matters. Sometimes trust is about trusting the other person to trust you as well. And Khushi was not going to let go of that trust that she had on Arnav.

"Arnavji, what is this?" she turned to him. "Why have you done a background check on my dad?" she asked. "And most importantly why did you do a check on ME?" she questioned, searching his eyes. "If you wanted to know about me then you could have asked ME, why go and do a background check???"

"Why are you silent?" she asked, the very next second, without even giving him a chance to speak.

"I can only speak if you stop speaking, Khushi," his eyes glinting with amusement, with no reflections of the seriousness in Khushi's voice.

But Khushi was just not in the mood for jokes. "This is serious Arnavji."

Arnav sighed. Who would have known? The once workaholic ACP Arnav Singh Raizada aka ASR, no longer wants to work because he wants to spend quality time with a special someone. And here that special someone is focused only on work. *Sigh*

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