Chapter 26 (Part II)

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My Imperfect Mr. Perfect - Chapter 26 (Part II)

"Ok, so I see that the princess is now happy. So can I now get my forgiveness for making you upset this afternoon?" he asked.

Khushi pretended to think for a minute before saying, "Ok forgiveness granted – but only on one condition."



"Yep – you need to take me to the mandir tomorrow," Khushi said.

"What? Why all of a sudden?" Arnav asked.

"I just feel like it..." Khushi replied, somehow not wanting to tell him that she was going to thank Devi Maiyya for bringing him into her life.

"No Khushi, I can't let you go out," he said.

Khushi was not surprised. She'd expected this reply, which is why she had used it as a condition for his forgiveness.

"Arnavji how long am I going to be stuck in this place? It feels like forever since I last went out and enjoyed the sun! I hate being stuck in here Arnavji!"

"Khushi, it's for your safety."

"So what? Do you want me to be running and hiding my whole life?! Then let me tell you, that's not happening."

"Khushi stop exaggerating – this is just until we manage to get hold of L75 and Shyam. You've waited this long, just wait a bit more."

"No Arnavji! I can't be going on for months without going out like this! This is ridiculous – you want me to stop living my life for some stupid kameena out there?!"

"Khushi –"

"No Arnavji, it's not even like I'm asking you to let me go out and about freely. I just want to visit the temple once. Is that so wrong?"

"Those criminals are walking around out there freely, and here, even though I haven't done anything wrong, I am stuck in this place. Do you see any logic in that?"

Arnav knew she was right, but he just couldn't take the risk with Khushi.

"Khushi, I know how you are feeling but –"

"No you don't Arnavji! You have no idea how suffocated I feel sometimes in this place. When you are out or working, the feeling of not even being able to step outside for some fresh air is just... horrible! I can't talk to my family, I can't go out – sometimes I feel like I'm in jail!"

Arnav was speechless. He had no idea that Khushi was feeling this way. He had only wanted to protect her – he never intended to make her feel so suffocated. But what could he do?

He had wanted to protect her, and he couldn't find any other way other than getting her into a hiding with him. He tried to give her everything he could to make her happy, but still she felt restricted with him.

"Arnavji, the days I've spent with you in these few weeks are some of the best days in my entire life. They mean a lot to me Arnavji. I love being with you Arnavji, but not like this. Not where I feel like I've been trapped."

Looking at Arnav's face, Khushi could tell that he felt bad for her, and he was probably blaming himself too. And she didn't want that, because Khushi knew why he did what he did. And she knew it wasn't really fair to blame him when he was just trying to protect her. But how long was she going to live in fear?

Khushi took Arnav's hands into her own and placed them on her cheeks so that his hands were cradling her face.

"Arnavji, I just want to go to the mandir. If it makes you feel better, then I won't stay for long I promise. And anyways you will be with me na? Why do I have to fear, when my Arnavji is here? When my hands are in yours, I know I don't need to be scared of anyone or anything. So why are you hesitating Arnavji?"

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