Chapter 9

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It was just after midnight and I had just woken up from a nightmare. Ben was curled up on a chair in our room and Leo was steering the ship. So I decided to wrap up and go see how Leo was doing.

When I got there I saw Leo looking into the distance and it looked as though he had been crying.

"Leo?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh um hey Dawn." He replied wiping his eye and looking away.

"What's wrong?" I asked getting closer to him.

"Nothing." Leo replied.

"Leo don't lie to me. I saw you crying." I told him.

"I dozed off and had a horrible dream-well it was a memory actually. About my mom..." He trailed off.

"You don't have to tell me but I'm going to hug you okay?" I said and he nodded.

I pulled him into my arms and was instantly warmed. As well as that, I got butterflies- let me rephrase that, dragons- in my stomach. I rested my chin on his head and smelt his hair. Mmh, coconut shampoo. Nice.

"Your hair smells like coconut." I thought out loud.

"Your hair smells like vanilla." Leo replied.

"I know. You know, I've been thinking about what you said the day Annabeth went missing." I told him.

"And?" Leo asked.

"Would you like to go on a date with me if we survive this?" I asked him.


"Why sound surprised?" I asked.

"Well I thought you would've wanted me to ask you out but you asked me out."

"You. And in planning the date too." I informed him.

"That's so unfair!" Leo whined.

"Sorry not sorry." I laughed.

"Okay kid I will- what is Dawn doing up and why are you two so close together? I don't want no babies made on this ship!" Coach Hedge yelled.

I jumped away from Leo and blushed. Leo let Coach Hedge take the wheel and we both walked back into our room. I climbed into bed first whilst Leo changed but he shortly came back in pyjama pants and no shirt. Zeus kill me now.

Leo climbed in next to me and slept on the edge. He was almost falling off so I pulled him closer to me.

"You were almost falling off Leo. I don't mind if we're close. Just don't fart." I told him with a smile.

"Too late." Leo joked.

"Ew Leo!" I cried with a laugh.

"I'm kidding." Leo replied.

"Leo I'm cold!" I whined.

Leo moved closer and wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into him, heat radiating off of his body. Neither of us were falling asleep so we just laid there in silence.



"You wanna be my boyfriend? I mean I could die and I don't want to die without having a proper boyfriend who is nice to me." I asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you?" Leo questioned, looking at me.

"No you dimwit. Yes, or no?" I asked.


"Cool. Goodnight then, boyfriend."

"Goodnight, girlfriend." He replied with a smirk.

Then we fell asleep in each other's arms as a couple.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Wake up! We're being attacked!" Jason's voice yelled.

Me and Leo jumped up in synchronisation and quickly got into practically clothes. I was wearing yoga pants and a hoodie as well as my trainers whilst Leo wore what he usually wore. We grabbed our weapons then ran out.

Half of the boat was frozen and our friends were fighting a woman and a bunch of rogue demigods. I guessed Khione had paid us a visit.

Instantly we were thrown into battle, fighting two demigods. A very tall, slender girl and a short, stocky boy. I took on the boy whilst Leo flamed up and took on the girl whilst melting the ice.

"Ah. My precious girl." The familiar icy cold female voice called out to me.

I turned to see the woman, I guessed as Khione, staring down at me.

"Why do you want me?" I shouted at her.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Khione gave me an evil glare before shooting ice at me. I heard Leo yell no so I turned to look at him. I reached my hand out towards him but the ice was too quick. I had been frozen and all I could see was darkness.

(A/n: very short chapter but I really wanted to leave you on a cliff hanger because I'm evil! Just kidding. Anyway, any good ship names for Dawn and Leo?)

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