Chapter 15

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"You need to tell Leo and your other friends at camp." Alyssa told me as we sipped our iced lemonade.

"I don't think I can." I replied taking a sudden interest in my feet.

"You need to tell them. I can come with you." Alyssa offered.

"You can't get into camp. You're a mortal." I mumbled.

"That's what you think." Alyssa said with a wink.

"Wait? What?" I exclaimed.

Alyssa explained the story of how she was a daughter of Aphrodite and was sent to be my best friend to help my dad watch after me. Everything up until my fourteenth birthday, when what she knew happened and I told her, was fake and apart of the mist. That really upset me but she did think of me as her best friend.

The fact she was a daughter of Aphrodite explained a lot. Her naturally clear chocolate coloured skin and perfect brown locks, the fact she looked stunning without trying and the effect she had on boys she wasn't interested in.

"Let's go to camp then shall we? I can't wait to go back." Alyssa said with a big smile.

Despite not wanting to, I went back to camp with Alyssa. Whilst she went of and reunited with her siblings and friends, I went and found the people o wanted to tell. Tom, Hannah, Lisa, Percy, Nico, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Clarisse, Thalia who had been staying at camp with the hunters and Nyssa who I was actually pretty good friends with.

Once Alyssa arrived as had everyone I had wanted to tell, I cleared my throat and got their attention.

"Alyssa is forcing me to tell you-"

"I'm not forcing! I advised you to tell them! You agreed!" Alyssa protested.

"Anyway, because you are all my friends she thought you should know how about you take this away?" I suggested nervously, backing up.

"Okay." Alyssa agreed.


I sat down in her chair whilst she got up to tell everyone my secret. My heart was pounding and my hands shaking.

"About a year or so ago, Dawn was in a very bad mental state. She was quite badly bullied and it took a toll on her. She became depressed and suicidal. She stopped eating for awhile and vegan self-harming. She almost died. However she is in a better place now. We both thought her friendship with you would be better if you knew." Alyssa explained.

(ITS OVER NOW! Just warned you in case it would upset some people love you guys.)

"I already knew." Nico mumbled.

"What? How?" I exclaimed.

"Your dad told me when I was with you guys, not long after it had happened." Nico mumbled.

"Oh." I mumbled too.

We all sat in silence for a bit whilst I bit back tears and picked at my thumbnail. Everyone, expect Alyssa and Nico, were in shock.

"Dawn.." Leo said as he got up and pulled me into a hug.

"We will give you two some space." Piper said.

"I want to speak to you later." Thalia told me kindly.

"Same here." Clarisse and Nyssa agreed. Well basically everyone wanted to talk to me later.

When everyone was gone I burst into tears and started apologising to Leo.

"Why are you saying sorry?" Leo asked, concerned.

"I should've told you sooner. Another reason I was kept on Olympus was in case I relapsed after what happened. My mom and Ares were concerned." I sobbed.

"Don't be sorry. I know now." Leo said rubbing my back.

"Do you hate me?" I whispered into his hair.

"How could I? If anything I love you to the moon and back a million times." He replied.

Even though I couldn't see it, I knew he was grinning.

"I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like you Leo." I told him, pecking his lips.

"I know...Just kidding. I'm the luckiest guy on the planet because I get to call you my girlfriend." Leo replied.

"You liked the date I planned right?" I asked.

"Of course I did. Speaking of which. Would you like to go on a date with me? It won't be fancy. I was just thinking we could watch movies in Bunker 9?" He asked suddenly getting shy.

"Sounds amazing. Will we have snacks?" I asked looking down at him.

"Of course. I can't let my Mrs Mc Shizzle go hungry whilst watching movies, now can I?"

"Mrs Mc Shizzle? Who is Mr Mc Shizzle?" I asked, a smile playing on my lips.

"Well me duh." Leo replied in his 'well duh' tone.

"When did we agree to this?"

"Well we didn't but I know you like me so much that you-"

"Who said I liked you Valdez?" I asked.

"Oh-what? Um-er..." He stuttered looking upset and flustered.

"Because I love you flame boy." I whispered kissing him.

"I love you you more sunshine."

"Nuh-huh!" I said sounding like a five year old.

"Shut up." Leo said before kissing me.

He deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue in my mouth. I had never kissed with tongues before but this was a pretty good first impression. We were cut off by someone making vomiting noises behind us. We turned to see Jason and Percy pretending to throw up.

"Fuck off guys." I said with a blush creeping into my face.

"Language missy!" Jason scolded me playfully.

"Sorry. Fuck off dickheads." I told them with a smirk.

"You did not!" Percy exclaimed.

Suddenly me and Leo were drenched in water by Percy. Him and Jason were laughing their asses off, not paying attention to us so we snuck off to Bunker 9 for the date Leo set up.

It was perfect. We watched loads of films, ate popcorn and sweets, cuddled, kissed a bit and talked. That was the day I realised how much I really loved Leo.

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