Tattoo with a Twist

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Amelia was lead to a chair that looked like a dentists chair, next to it was a long table covered in drawings, ink pots and needles. She sat down on the chair and frank followed and sat on the chair next to her. An man walked up to him and they seemed like they knew eachother, must have been his regular tattooer. Frank told him how he wanted his tattoo to be shaded and they set off.
"So what are we getting today?" the woman
"I'd like this on the back of my neck please?" Amelia responded, handing her the sketch of the lyrics.
"Whoa, you did this yourself? It's pretty good"
"Thanks" Amelia blushed. The woman told her to lay on her front and she pulled her hair off her neck.
"This your first tattoo?"
"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt where you're getting yours"
I'm glad there's no pain involved then
Amelia must've been laying there for about half an hour when Frank was done. He sat up and asked "how ya holding up?"
"I'm good" she responded.
"So, do you play any instruments?"
"Yeah, I play can play guitar and sometimes I do gigs at sports bars and stuff"
"Oh nice! There's a guitar over there, maybe after you got your tattoo I could hear some stuff" Frank seemed very exited at the idea of this.
"Yeah sure!"
Getting the tattoo didn't really hurt, it kinda felt like being tickled by someone with sharp nails. Frank seemed like a pretty nice guy, when you get to know him.
About 20 minutes later the tattoo artist had finished her tattoo.
"You're done, well done on your first tattoo"
"Thank you" Amelia responded. She stood up and turned to look at Frank, who was still sat with her reading a magazine, and she asked if it was good tattoo. He looked up and saw the tattoo of his bands lyrics on her neck and smiled.
"It's amazing" he said, Amelia walked over to the full length mirror at the back wall. She looked over her shoulder into the mirror and saw the lyrics across her neck. She started to feel herself become overwhelmed with, was it happiness? Or sadness? She put her hand over her mouth to try and hide some emotion from Frank,
Stop crying. Your gonna freak him out.
Frank saw her eyes fill with tears and he pulled her into a hug.
"Hey, why are ya crying?" He said in a comforting tone.
"Nothing, I'm fine" she replied, trying to swallow her tears but it wasn't working. "C'mon, were friends now you can tell me" frank said softly.
He pulled out of the long hug so he could hear her, Amelia then had an explanation of why she was crying, she just didn't want to say it, but she thought she would say it anyway. She already saw herself as a fuck up, what more could she do?
"Well, I had extreme bipolar about a year ago, and I'm recovering and the medication fucks up my feelings. So yeah. Sometimes I'm happy and sometimes I'm sad. But I'm okay I guess."
Frank just smiled at her, he was happy she told him the truth and not lying about it. He said, "once you get out of this place your life will be so much better than it is now, you just gotta get through the shit to be a great person" then looked over at the guitar in the corner of the room. "Hey how about you show me what you can do?"
"Okay" she replied with a smile. She walked over and sat on the red plastic chair in the corner of the room, picked up the guitar and started playing Disenchanted, as she had only learnt that one recently. Frank sat smiling up at her, listening to every note, watching her fingers play the chords and  harmoniously, as if he was in a trance. The moment seemed to last forever until her mother walked over.
"how long have we been here? And who's that?" She said pointing at Frank. It was 6:07pm, and she didn't want to go.
"Mom, this is Frank Iero, he's a musician for a band I listen to." As she finished her sentence her little sister bounced over and blurted out, "hey I've seen you on my sisters wall!" Looking at frank. Amelia went red and frank gave a slight giggle. She put the guitar down and frank stood up.
"Thanks for being a great person" frank said, hugging her.
"Thank you for saving my life" Amelia said smiling.
She walked out of the tattoo place and looked over her shoulder and waved at Frank, he waved back.
She was so tired, she just layed on her bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The dark gives me inspiration.
Sorry it's taken forever to publish

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