Why Does This Keep Happening

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"No no say, say Sausage" Gerard whailed
"Nauzage" I replied. Followed by vigorous laughter. Ray was in a constant fit of giggles. We were sat on Franks sofa, and I couldn't speak properly due to my nose injury. Mikey was trying to breathe but laughter kept escaping him. Franks lips curled into the largest smile I had ever seen him do. I like seeing them all happy, it makes me feel like I'm worth something.
I tried not to laugh that much as one: it hurt and two: they would be sent into a void of hysteria again.
I'm taking today off, and we all decided to stay at Franks. My mom knew what had happened (Frank called her yesterday, saying I was alright.) and couldn't make it home. She has to stay at a hotel for her job, a bunch of meetings or something. My sister is staying at her friends house. I love my mom and all but her job takes up too much time and my sister is the one suffering. She's a workaholic and knows I'm "independent enough" to look after stuff she's too busy for. I'm probably going to stay over with the others because his home is much nicer and gives a more welcoming vibe than my home.
"Amelia I'm sorry for laughing, it's just so funny when you talk" Ray said, giggles intensifying as he spilled out that sentence. I didn't mind them laughing at me I did sound like a bee on helium. Gerard walked into the kitchen and pulled out a bag of Doritos from Franks highest cupboard.
"Gerard those are my private stash of Doritos what are you doing" Frank alarmingly spoke.
"Well I'm hungry and Mikey wants to watch Hifh School Musical" Gerard said, popping open the bag and sitting on the grey chair in the corner of the room.
"If weer zinhinh alonh I can't" I said, trying not to sound like I was going "ZZZEEEEE", resulting in a mild giggle, and Frank pulled me into a hug. Ray popped the film in and we began watching it.
I want to stay off school for the rest of the week because I sound stupid and I don't wanna have anymore embarrassing times at that place.
I feel really tired, I think I might take a small nap. They won't notice.
I was slowly drifting off and finally I was in slumber. I was standing in a room, it was a classroom. I was standing at the front, oogling eyes of children were staring at me. They were silent. Then what happened next horrified me. They all stared directly into my soul and they started crying. They weren't making any noise, they were just staring. And instead of tears it was blood. THRIR eyes were bleeding, I looked around and every single one of them was doing that. Their eyes followed me as I ran out and slammed the door. I turned swiftly to be met by Mikey. Why was he in my dream? He pushed me against the door violently, and held my throat against it.
"Don't ever hurt him. Don't ever do that again or I swear to all Gods I will do what I said I would never do" he whispered. It wasn't a nice whisper. It was the one tone of voice that would make your spine shiver. What did he mean? Who did I hurt? What is he going to do?! I screamed. I tried to escape his grip but he wouldn't loosen.
I was awoken to the noise of my name being called out loudly.
I was breathing very heavily. Mikey was staring at me with scared and pitiful eyes. Frank was holding my arm, obviously restraining me. My throat felt sore as if I were screaming in reality as well as in my dream. Ray and Gerard were also looking at me quite scared as well.
"Amelia you were screaming, and you were telling Mikey to stop. What happened?" Frank said worryingly.
I looked at Mikey, he was scared as well. I started crying and pulled him into a hug.
"Please don't ever turn against me" I cried into his shoulder.
"It's alright it's alright, what happened?" He said reassuringly. I explained what happened and they seemed to understand. I'm sure it was just another stupid nightmare. I hate them. As soon as I'm off this horrible medication the better.
Gerard started to clean up the kitchen and Ray followed him, flicking on the radio. Green Day was playing. Frank was huffing me, trying to calm me down. He kept saying," it's okay, it was only a dream" but it felt so real. I really like Frank, he's really supportive and tries to make everyone feel better.
I soon fell asleep again, this time there wasn't a bad dream.

(Omg I'm sorry for not updating this in 38484949 years! I've had a shit ton of tests and coursework. I might use this as study when I go on to do my English creative writing assessment. I was going to write a fan fiction for that anyway. If you wanna follow my instagrams they are imemotrashthankspete and orionurie and my twitter is also orionurie. I hold your all doing well. Panic at the Discos song was leaked tonight and I'm up because of it, it is now likd 1:40am on Xmas eve and I decided to write another chapter. I hope you enjoy it and if I don't update before New Years have a merry Christmas and a happy new year, I love you all and stay safe)

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