The Madness.

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Tic ... Tic ... Tic...

The soft ticking of the wall clock echoed through the silent, cold room.
As a man, with a white masked draped over his face sat at his computer, the volume down and his hands entwined together in front of him with his elbows resting on the desk.

Tic ... Tic ... Tic ...

On the screen, a couple. Not just an ordinary couple, this was Felix Kjellberg and Marzia Bisognin.
Cry's fingertips taped over his opposite hand as Felix made the woman laugh. Even though the volume was on mute you could sense the love... Disgusting.
The door of the man's bedroom slowly slid open, a small cats head poking around and looking up at his master before nervously poking his head back. When his master was like this.. It scared the feline.

"...Hm..." a small hum emitted from his throat, calling them to him.
The small animal hopped onto his lap, which he started to pet slowly. Not staring at the game they were playing... But rather the two figures themselves.
The masked man finally decided to turn the volume up slightly, now sounds from the speakers flooded the room other than the soft purrs.
Cry chuckled softly at one of the man's childish jokes, before shutting up as he heard the petit girls laugh.
That joke was for him not that... Pest.

The video slowly came to an end, Cry's hand slowly raised and rested on the mouse before clicking twice fast on a vlog.
A few minutes in and he could already see that pest slowly steal him away. Kissing him, hugging him, joking with him. That was meant to be him.

This had slowly became Cry's obsession, growing more and more along with his anger. Watching at least four of his videos a day, and if he had uploaded late Cry would be full of worry.
What if he's hurt?!
What if she has taken him...
What if he's coming for me!
What if... He's died...
Those thought swept away when his video had showed up on his channel, which gave Cry some relief.

After shutting down his computer he stood up and walked over to his bed, clean and made as he pulled back the covers and slowly slipped in. He loved to think about his and Felix's relationship before bed... What he wished- no knew would happen.

There would be a knock on his door, which he would already be by...Waiting for him as he knew this was going to happen. Felix would be standing there, bringing him into a hug.
"Oh Ryan... I made such a big mistake.. I realise I'm yours! Just yours and no one else's..."
Cry would only smile, and nod.
"Don't worry...Come." He would stand aside as the Swedish male stepped in.
"I made something for you..." Cry would mutter.
"How did you know I was-"
Cry would place a slim finger on to his lips so shush him.
"I love you, of course I would know." He leads him to the dinning room, already set for them both as they sit.
"Gosh.. This is all for us?" Felix asks.
"Yeah, like it?" Cry would beam at him.
"I love it Ryan, not as much as I love  you..."

Yet it was only a dream...

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