After Care

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The next morning, Cry sat up and pushed some of his hair out of his face. He looked down at the sleeping Felix next to him, poor guy still winced when he would move. He let out a small happy sigh, leaning down and kissing his head. "See, you're mine now." He whispered, the smile on his face widening. 


He got out of bed, heading to the shower first to get the sweat and smell of sex off him. Even though he didn't mind. He thought for a second. 

"I need to remember this night..." 

He grabbed his camera, and took a picture of Felix as he slept. He smiled at how cute he looked. He looked at his own sweaty body, grabbing a box from under the bed with different jars inside it. It had some of Felix's blood, tears, all the good stuff. He put the jar to his stomach, wincing at how cold it was. Some sweat trailed down into the jar, and he did the same to Felix. He tried not to wake him up at how cold it was. Grabbing the pen inside the box, he wrote: "Me and Felix's sweat - Morning after first time." 

He sighed, it would of been better to get some during, or even after he first slept. Oh well.

He put the lid on and turned it until it locked, putting it into the box and pushing it under the bed and covering it with a blanket before standing and going back into the shower.

He pushed any remaining clothes off and closed the door, not locking it though. He turned the shower on and waited for the water to turn the right temperature, before trying to get in without slipping. 

Pushing his hair out of his eyes, a small flash back of the previous night came to mind. 

"Ah... geez-" He muttered, wiping his eyes with the water. He blinked a few times afterword, grabbing the shampoo and carrying on his shower... 


"Urg..." Felix muttered as he pushed himself up, instantly regretting it as a sharp pain went through him. "Agh!" he dropped back down onto the bed, sighing before hearing a voice behind him. 

"That's all you have to say to me after last night? Urg and agh?" The voice laughed, sitting on the bed by him in a towel. The voice belonged to Cry, of course. He smiled and kissed Felix's cheek. 

"How are you holding up, buddy?" He asked, laying beside him now with one hand on his cheek. Felix smiled and looked at him. 

"I'm good, thanks... except for the fact that my ass hurts!" He pouted, hugging the pillow below him. Cry laughed, laying on his stomach like Felix with a smirk. 

"Well I'm sorry!" He laughed a bit, sticking his tongue out at him. 

"You should be, ass-hole." He snickered, the bottom half of his face now stuffed into the pillow. Cry just smiled cheekily at him before scooting closer to him, and wrapping his arm around his back. 

"Okay, how about this. I, will take care of you all day today and be the best boyfriend ever-" He smiled, though blushed hearing Felix mutter. 

"You do that everyday..."

Cry hummed in reply, stretching his arms up before sitting on his knees. 

"Want some tea?" He asked, kissing his cheek again. He couldn't keep his hands off the poor blond. Felix simply nodded, smiling as he nuzzled his face into the soft pillows. 

Cry got up, walking into the kitchen and making them two cups of tea. He looked up at the plain ceiling. Though with Felix his world got its colour back. What used to look like a cold ceiling, cry seemed to noticed the patters in it, what shapes it held. 

The popping sound of the kettle took him out of his thoughts, he turned and grabbed the cups he had forgot to lay out ready. He quickly poured the boiling water into the cups, before adding the tea bags and stirring them into the cups. 

Once done adding the milk, etc, he walked back to Felix who was waiting for him. Cry would see his body shape clearly with the thin blanket over his back, Cry bit his lip and put it on the side table. 

"Here you go baby," He told him, sitting on the end of the bed as he held his cup. Staring at the liquid, which was still slowly stirring itself, he thought about how things lead up to this.

He was so happy. 

Though, his thoughts were caught again by the phone, ringing loudly by the bed. Felix groaned, leaning over and grabbing the phone. 


"Yes, this is the police department..."

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