Take My Breath Away

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Waiting for Felix was probably the most suspenseful thing that Cry has had to endure his whole life. His feet tapping against the floor of the airport.

Cry sat on an uncomfortable plastic blue chair near the entrance to the airport, which lead out to the parking lot. Every time the automatic doors pulled back it let in a large swoop of air waft in and mess up Cry's hair which he was trying to keep as neat as possible for Felix. The two texted every time Felix was allowed to use his phone on the plane, which resulted in Cry's heart to pick up the pace and butterflies to fly into his stomach. There was dread also, as if what if the plane crashed? Or what if Marzia came with him? He had asked if she was coming too, thankfully Felix replied with a very formal 'No bro, it's just us mother fuckers :D'

Cry kept messaging Felix with a small hum, until Felix has to stop messaging and go on 'Airplane mode'. He kinda regretted going to the airport three hours early... But not before long, he got a message...

Marzia: Hey Ryan, I'm coming to visit tomorrow as a surprise for Felix!

Cry's teeth clenched, his fingers quickly typing a reply with; 'Oh? You don't have too, I only have one spare room!'

Marzia: I'll just sleep on the divano!

Cry: ??

Marzia: Oops, I mean sofa!

Cry got even more mad, how dare she try and get in the way! The rage was building inside him as his eye twitched, his hands clenching... until, he got another message from 'Felix (<3)'.

Felix(<3): Guess who's here?

"O-oh my god-" Cry quickly fixed up his hair and hoodie, making sure his mask was perfectly straight before looking around as he bit his lip. Every second felt like a minute, and every minute felt like a day. After about three of those 'days' Cry turned back to his phone and started to type; 'Hey bro where ar-' Before he could finish his typing he saw a pair of legs stand in front of him, wearing knee length shorts and a blue striped shirt.

"Cry...?" He heard a familiar accent call, he looked up to see that adorable Swede grinning at him, and his eyes widening seeing he was right. His eyes were much more vibrant real life too... it was almost mesmerizing. "Cry!"

Cry didn't say anything, but quickly stand and wrap his arms around him in a loving hug. He had been daydreaming about seeing him at the airport, about the two running to each other and going into an embrace. But the real thing was so much better... He let out a faint gasp as Felix hugged back with a snicker, he was so warm and his hugs were very comfortable.

"I was getting worried you ass..." Cry muttered against his shoulder, before raising his head to see Felix smiling at him.

"You were worried about me ass?" He asked, snickering again. "Well, it's still as perfect as usual. Don't worry."

"I'll try not to." Cry smirked, before hugging him again. "Want me to help with your suit case?" He asked, his hand going to take it and brushing his hand against Felix's. His skin was soft, but not too soft...

"Nah I got it bro, don't worry it's only one case." He grinned. "I know what your thinking, how can someone with so much fab only have one suitcase? Well, the answer is simple." Felix smirked, putting his hand through his hair. "I don't need anything to be fabulous!"

Cry laughed a little. "Well i guess i'll need some tips right?"

"Hmm... you're pretty fabulous already. Not as fab as ME of course!" Felix stated, putting his hand on his chest. "But you'll survive." He ended with a wink.

"Hopefully hanging around with you will influence me then." Cry chuckled. "Let's get to the car already, I've been waiting here for ages." With that, Felix nodded and followed Cry out of the building. "So how long did you wait?" He asked, tightening the grip on the luggage handle as it went over a bump.

"...A few hours." Cry answered, glancing at him.

"...How many hours?" Pewds asked with a raised brow. Cry sighed, and plays with his hands in his hoodie sleeve.

"About five..." Hearing Cry say this Felix's eyes widened.

"Knulla helvete Cry!" Felix gasped. "I'm not that important g-geez!"

But you are...

"Oh shush Fefe." Cry chuckled and looked at him before unlocking his car. "It's fine, it was my decision right?" He asked him.

"Yeah... I guess." Felix muttered. "Wait 'Fefe?" He laughed. "What a great name." Felix smiled as he placed the suitcase into the back of the car.

"I know, because I chose it." Cry smiled as he locked the boot of the car. "And I am pretty great you know." He added before opening the door of the car and sitting in, waiting for Felix to join him.

"This is weird... The drivers seat is normally where i'm sitting in the UK- "Felix mumbled as he pulled the seat belt over and buckled up.

This resulted in Felix making car noises and pretending to drive for most of the ride, which entertained Cry greatly. He couldn't help but smile.

Though, he had to remember about what Marzia said... this was a perfect time to get rid of her...Maybe he could make it look like a robbery, a hit and run, a suicide a-

Cry's dark thoughts were pushed aside as Felix began to speak to him. "Hey, Ryan?" He asked, the use of his name sent shivers down his back. The others accent said it in a way with made him just feel butterflies all over again.

"Y-yeah? What's up?" He asked, smiling at him before turning his eyes back to the road.

"Should we read some fan fiction for a video?" Felix chuckled. "I think it would be funny being with each other in the same room!" This made Cry's eyes light up.

"Ah man that would be awesome!" He thought for a second, a small plan forming in his head which made him grin.

"It should be a juicy one too." He added, looking over at the blond male who was looking at his trousers before lifting his head.

"What do you mean juicy?" The other asked, before looking at the passing cars with a small smile.

"Like, 50 shades of Pewdiecry or some shit." Cry told him with confidence. "Sounds good right?"

"Hell yeah!" Felix laughed, before going onto his phone and going on Twitter.

"Sounds good..."

Sounds good.

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