My Gift To You

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Cry sucked in a breath, before sighing with a large smile. "What is it?" He asked, taking a small step forward as he held the others hand to his chest. Felix only snickered, giving the others hand a small squeeze before walking down the hall. Cry followed beside him, looking up at him a few times before looking down and biting his lip. He did it. He had gotten him. He could think back to when he would stay in his room, watching his videos, and when he would Skype Felix and mute himself on purpose... 

"Ryan?" Felix asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He regained himself and looked at him.

 "O-oh sorry, yeah?" He giggled, smiling at him happily. Felix snickered a second time, holding a box for him. "I got us something." 

Cry stared at the box, it was blue and rectangle. He pulled off the top slowly, looking down at a silver chain which was in front of him. He gently held it between his thumb and index finger and pulled it up, on the end of it was a small plate, in graved was the word "Forever" with a small green gem at the bottom. 

"Felix wha-?" He looked up to see Felix's hands behind his head, putting on one that seemed identical. At a closer glance, it seemed that in graved it read "Together" with a blue gem. 

"Do you like it?" He asked with a large smile. "I got this for us, because we were buddies you know?" He chuckled before ruffling Cry's hair. "It's not called being gay, its being called being fabulous." He said simply, kissing his nose. 

Cry blushed a bit and chuckled, wrapping his arms around Felix's neck and hugging him close. "We can be both." Felix nodded, pushing his hair out of his face. 

Felix waddled into the kitchen, Cry still around his neck, dangling there. 

"You know this s gonna wreck me right? My neck is killing me." Cry only smirked at this, muttering "Pfft- that sounds wrong." 

"I am going to slap you in a second-" Felix laughed, going over to the table and helping Cry sit there. "I'm gonna heat up that dinner we prepared, then wanna play some new video games?" He asked, his eyes twinkling with excitement. 

"That sounds like a perfect plan dude." Cry smiled, cupping the others face and pulling him back down to nuzzle his nose again. "Pff- Sorry-" Felix just blushed a bit. 

"You sure love doing that don't you?" He asked, nuzzling back. 

"You're just too adorable Pewds!" He said loudly, blowing a raspberry on his cheek. 

"H-hey!" Felix protested, trying not to burst into laughter as he pulled away and quickly slipped to the fridge. 

"Adorable!" Cry shouted, making his voice fade out. After a minute or two the food was slowly starting to heat, Felix suddenly appeared in front of Cry, grabbing his waist and hoisting him over his shoulder. "Felix calm down!" Cry yelped, laughing happily as he made sure his head didn't hit anything. Felix hurried to the living room, letting the other fall (carefully) back onto the sofa. 

"Ready?!" He asked, leaning over Cry. In this position, Cry's face began to burn. Felix was leaning so close, after dropping Cry on the sofa in a laying position, and asking if he was 'ready'. 

"Y-yeah-" muttered Cry, looking up at the blond as his senses told him to lean up. No, he would have to wait... they have only kissed and cuddled for now, so perhaps the next step was cuddly kissing? Yeah, sounded good to him. 


The two had been playing a few games, laughing so hard that Felix had to take a breather. His hands behind his back against the floor to hold him up, panting as Cry paused the game. 

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