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-Multiplier Warning (Markiplier x Jacksepticeye)

Other a few days the two had been thinking, thinking hard about if there any others like them. They would look at Twitter a lot, the normal playful flirting was thrown around some channels...especially Mark and Jack's. 

Felix was just finishing a game with Jack, listening to his loud outro before laughing.

 "So, Jack..." he started, running his hand through his blond hair. "You think I should come out yet about me and Ryan?" Jack stared at him for a moment, before laughing. "Dude, you have been together for SO long! I think you should, and I bet everyone will be super supportive!" He said happily, putting his thumb up with a big goofy grin. 

Though, Cry had come in now, he sat next to Felix and smirked. "What about you, Sean?" He grinned a little wider. "Are you going to come out?"

Jack's eyes widened a little, his cheeks becoming a little pink. He quickly cleared his throat.

 "Wh-What do you mean come out?" He asked, biting the inside of his cheek. Felix and Ryan started to giggle, before laughing and acting like fools. 

"Oh Mark I love you so much!~" Cry said in a high voice, fluttering his eyelashes and holding his hands together. 

"Oh Mark I would love to visit you!~" Felix added, pretending to faint against Ryan which made them both laugh. 

Watching this, Jack felt embarrassment, he looked away for a moment before chuckling. "You two are sillies..." 

"Oh yeah?" Felix asked, getting back on the computer. "Oh look, who is this on my contacts? Mr.Iplier I see!" With this Jacks eyes ( if possible ) got wider. He put his hands on the sides of his chair and shook his head. 

"N-no no no no don't! He'll think I to-" He cut himself off, his words trailing off as he looked at the screen. 

"Told... what?" Ryan asked slowly, before he started to grin again. "I knew it! I fucking knew it, I told you you lil shit!" He shouted, looking very victorious. 

Jack sighed, looking half scared and half sad. He pulled his legs up to his chest. "He's gonna kill me..." Cry took a moment before calming, clearing his throat. "Sorry, why would he kill you...?" He asked, his fingers tapped the desk. 

Cry had noticed when he watched the "People Doing Panels" panel and "Markiplier and Friends", or even at the signings, when someone would hug, or really talk to Jack, Mark would get a little frigidity, or the look in his eyes would be different... 

Cry quickly learned that perhaps Mark was a bit like him, obsessed. Obsessed with the one they loved. 

How could he have missed this? Jack's girlfriend had passed away in the hospital due to the machinery keeping her alive being tampered with. 

Jack just sighed, before smiling slightly. "You guys are like us so... I think it would be okay-" He told them, grabbing his phone and looking at Twitter. He private messaged Mark, before looking up at the two. "Could you erm, add him to the call? So you can tell him that you know...?" 

Felix did what he asked, almost instantly Mark answered. 

"Is, something wrong?" He asked, looking at the two cameras and smiling happily. 

"M-Mark, they know-" Jack muttered, looking down at his blue hoodie before looking back up at the screen. 

"They... they do?" He asked, a worried yet innocent tone in his voice. "You guys wont say anything right? I mean, we have kept yours secret." 

Felix happily nodded. "Of course we will, it's great to know we aren't the only ones..." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. 

The four of them had a small conversation, before Jack had to go and pick up some food he had ordered. Leaving the three. 

Mark sighed seeing Jack had to go, "I hope he's okay..." He looked so worried, yet Jack had just gone down the street. Cry looked at Felix for a moment, before asking him for a drink, leaving the two. 

"So, Mark-" Cry started. "I think we both know what each other are..." He told him. Mark simply nodded. 

"Yup... I believe we do." 

Now, normally you would think their conversation would be dark, full of creepy stories and obsession talk... nope. They spoke about fun times they have had with their partners, times they got close to getting somewhere with them but it ended up in laughing.

Mark said how he loved Jack's laugh, smile, bright eyes. 

"Yeah I agree-" Cry started, before seeing Marks expression darken. 

"Hey I meant about Felix you idiot-" He chuckled. "I like his eyes too..." 


Felix came back with two mugs, placing one down by Cry and the other by himself. Jack wasn't back yet, making Mark fidget. 

What if someones pinning him up right now... doing shit to him...

"Mark, calm down he's okay-" Just as these words lets Felix's mouth a sound of a door opening was heard. 

"Sorry guys! The queue was HUGE!" They heard that familiar Irish accent say, followed by a sigh of relief from Mark. Ryan whispered to Felix, telling him that they should leave the two to talk in private. Felix nodded, telling the others they needed sleep and ending the call. 

Ryan leaned over, pressing his lips happily against Felix's and giggling. Felix smiled happily, kissing back for a moment before pulling away and nuzzling his nose against his. 

Cry pouted, pushing his lips onto Felix's who laughed a bit. "O-okay okay I love you too!". Cry wanted to go further with the other, but showing affection just like this was good enough for now... 

It was nice, they weren't alone. Plus, Felix silently shipped Septiplier, and would always smile seeing them together. 

Shipping. I can be wonderful, but sometimes... not so much. 

Ryan was scrolling through Tumblr, smiling at some stuff and going through the Pewdiecry tag. But, then he saw, Pewdieken fan art. 

"Why is this in the tag...?" He muttered angrily, before thinking. "I need to liven up the Pewdiecry shippers." 

He made a post, about him going through the tag and saying "Whoa, Pewds we should give this a shot! #Nohomo #AllTheHomo"


Hope you liked this little crossover!

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