Valentines Day.

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|| Warning Slight Smut ||

I had never really celebrated Valentine's day, except for watching Felix's videos. But, today was different, today I could celebrate it with him, for real .

I woke up happily, looking at the blond next to me. I snickered when I saw a strand of hair in his mouth. I pulled it away slowly, pecking his soft lips before getting up. I took a beep breath, a large smile across my face as I headed to the kitchen, twitching on the radio at a low volume as I opened the fridge, muttering the lyrics to the music on the radio. I pulled out two eggs, and the bacon and set them on the counter, hitting the fridge door closed with my hip.

My muttering quietened slightly as I read the back of the bacon, reading how long I had to cook it. Before turning to get my pan.

"Build me up, buttercup baby, don't you let me down, or mess me around. And then worse of all..." I muttered to Build Me Up Buttercup as I put it on the stove, and turned it on to the right temperature.

While that was cooking, I put the eggs to the side before getting two plates, placing them where I had put the food before and shuffling to the bread bin.

"I'll be over at ten, you told me time and again, but you're late. I wait around and then, I run to the door..."

I pulled out two slices, putting them into the toaster while yawning quietly before heading to the eggs. I boiled the hot water, stirring the hot water until it started to look like a whirlpool. I cracked the two eggs into the water.

The music soon faded to the next song.

About three or four minutes later, the food was cooked. I slid them on the plate before groaning to myself. I didn't take the toast out of the toaster when it had popped out, I know Felix liked his hot...

I pulled the toast out, putting them to the side.

'I'll use that to feed the birds or something...' I thought before grabbing two new slices. They were finished pretty quickly, so I placed one on each plate and turned on the kettle. I bit my lip, thinking how I would keep this food warm...
Taking the plates, I walking into the bedroom and placed them on the side table. I looked at Felix, pushing his hair back and pecked his nose.

"Felix, baby wake up..." I told him, before kissing his forehead, cheek, lips, chin. I heard him giggle, then saw him open his eyes.

"Hey..." He hummed, his voice slightly scratchy from just waking up. I smiled, pressing my lips on his and letting them linger for a moment.

"Hungry?" I asked, pulling away and handing him the plate. His eyes lit up, he took the plate and pushed up so he was sitting on his backside.

"I'll join you now hold up," I quickly told him, going to the kitchen and hearing the kettle pop. I grabbed two mugs, quickly making tea and grabbing a pair of knifes and forks.
Walking back I sat next to Felix on the bed, he handed me my plate and I handed him a knife and fork.

"Thank you..." He smiled, I handed him his mug and he carefully put it on the side table. His eyes widened, looking at me. "Happy valentines!"

I laughed, kissing his cheek soflty and hearing him hum happily. Before I could pull away he nuzzled my nose.

"I love you," he told me, my heart beat faster, and I stared at him blushing badly.

"I-i love you too!" I spluttered, smiling briefly before digging into the breakfast before it got cold.

We ate happily, talking about random things, me sometimes asking for him to pass over my tea. It was bliss, and I loved every moment.

Thinking back at our relationship, it was completely loving... and it made my heart warm thinking about it.
I rested my head on his shoulder, taking a bite of my toast with a soft smile. I felt Felix rest his head on my own, taking the last sip of his tea before putting his plate and mug on the side.
I did same, snuggling up to him.

This, is my new favourite moment.


I really wanted to show Felix my love today, it was my first real valentines day...
I looked up at him, and sat up. "Felix..." I started, pulling his face to mine. I soflty kissed him, and felt him kiss back.

|| Third Person ||

The kiss the two shared got slightly heated, making them hum with satisfaction as their lips pushed against each other.
Felix's hand went to the side of Cry's face, his fingers going through the brunettes hair.
"Oh...god~" Cry slightly moaned, moving closer to his partner and swinging his leg over his lap.
Now straddling Felix, Cry cupped his face and kissed him a little deeper, his tongue managing to slip through the others lips.
Felix blushed a bit, his hands going to his waist to pull him closer. He opened one eye, to see his boyfriend staring back at him with, ironically, one eye.
He couldn't help but smile, making Cry smile back.

After a minute or so of teasing, they closed their eyes into the kiss and let the feeling drift them away. It felt amazing, each others warm bodies in a warm bed, against each other and letting their lips show how much they loved each other.

Though, Cry moaned slightly louder when a few thoughts got into his head about what could happen. He began to soflty grind his hips against Felix, making him freeze for a second and his face flush.
Cry only did it again, causing the other to relax and moan into Cry's mouth. He soon found himself stating to roll his hips against Cry's, leaning further up into the kiss as he slowly started slipped down under the covers...

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