Behind A Screen

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(Check out aulauly7 on Deviantart! They did this  picture at the top, i'm not being asked to say this I genuinely love their art!) 

-Cry's POV- 

Hey, my name is Ryan. I live with my partner Felix, my cat AJ, and Felix's pugs Edgar and Maya. It was happy here, when I felt guilty I would just look at Felix's smile, and see that he is much happier now. 

Now, waking up in the morning wasn't a chore, It was a blessing. Being able to wake up next to someone you love dearest... 

My mornings weren't dull and boring, I looked forward to them and was excited about the day. 

Felix has turned my life around for the better. 

-Third Person View- 

Cry rolled over in his sleep, before his eyes slowly opened. He smiled upon seeing his bed wasn't empty like last year, instead lay a peaceful body underneath the covers.  He chuckled quietly, scooting closer and running his hand through the others blond hair. "Felix, oh Felix..." he cooed. 

Felix slowly turned to his side, his hand raising to rest on the others as his eyes opened. He smiled happily, seeing Cry with such a loving smile on his face. 

"Hey Ryan... mornin'." He yawned, resting his face in his chest. "How long have you been awake?" He questioned, looking back up at Cry. 

"Just now I woke up... you better get up. You have video's to record, then we can go out..." Cry told him, pecking his forehead softly. 

Felix only groaned, snuggling closer to Cry until his stubble brushed his chest, making Cry chuckle. "Come on you lazy fucker..." he laughs, lifting Felix's head by his chin and kissing him softly. 

"Hey i'm not a lazy fucker! I'm full of energy when doing that!" He protested, making Cry go into a fit of giggles. No, they haven't gone that far yet, though they never said they wouldn't. 


-Cry's POV-

That morning was like any other, they would get up, have food, record, then the rest of the days were theirs. Though, it got them thinking. Is there anyone else like us? Hiding a relationship behind a screen? 

If there was, I hope they were as happy as us. 

Another thought, would we ever come out to everyone? 

Now these thoughts were drowning in my brain, I heard my name being called softly. I came back to reality to see my non-touched cereal in front of me.

"Ryan, hey Ryan you alright?" I heard Felix say, I looked up to meet his gaze and smiled. 

"Yeah, just gazing into space I guess..." I reassured him, he only nodded and finished off his breakfast, before standing and heading over to the kitchen. 

He watched him leave, my eyes trailing down slowly before I shook my head and quickly ate. He came back shortly after, sitting beside me and looking at my bowl. 

"Want me to clean that, boo?" He giggled at the nickname, causing me to shove him slightly and stand.  

"I'll get it, bae." I smirked, before earning a groan from the blond. He tilted his head back, before looking at me and laughing. 

"You had to use that didn't you?" He asked, I shushed him and went over to the kitchen myself, starting to wash the bowl.

-Felix's POV- 

I sighed contently. Waiting for Ryan to finish up in the kitchen before standing and walking over. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug, and smiled as he hugged back happily. 

"I need to record a bit, then I wanna spend the whole day with you, okay?" I told him, nuzzling my nose against his. He nodded, before smirking and asking;

"When I stream tonight, try not to snore this time okay?" 

I put my arms in the air to protest, but he just gave me a short "Shush" before pecking my lips. Gosh he's an ass when he wants too, but in a good way. 

I tried to hold back the smile on my face before going to the box in the hallway, which contained new things for the 'Weird Stuff Online' series I was doing. I picked it up, going over to where I record and placing the box down by my feet. When I turned, Ryan as in my face making me scream. He just smugly smiled, lifting his mug to his lips as he drank before taking it away. 

"What stuff have you got this time?" He asked, I cleared my throat before chuckling a "You, you don't wanna know-"

He rolled his eyes with a smile, turning on his heel and walking away. I saw him glance at me a moment, his gaze... different. 

I had noticed he had gotten, whats the word? Not clingy but, protective... or, scared? 


After the video I stretched and yawned, leaning my head back and Ryan is there. I almost fall back, but he quickly puts his arms under mine and pulling me up. 

"Ryan you scared me..." I smiled, turning around to look at him.

Ryan had a loving gaze, so much it was almost creepy... his smile was pretty big. He played with a strand of my hair, before biting his lip and looking up at me. "Felix, Felix what are we going to do today...?" He asked, his hands now on my chest. 

"I thought you needed to go shopping, right?" I asked him, glancing at his hands as they slid up to my shoulders.  

"Oh, yeah I forgot... we could just get take-away." He said, eyeing me up and down before pecking my cheeks. 

"S-Sure! What kind do you want?" I asked, before giggling when I saw him grin. This was possibly his mostly used joke:- 

"Swedish meatb-" Before he could finish I rolled my eyes playfully with a smile, pecking his lips. 

After a pause, Ryan spoke up again. 

"Do you think there are any others like us?" He asked, now holding my hands. I raised an eyebrow in question. 

"I mean, hiding a relationship... behind a screen-" 


If you would like a Septiplier entrance next chapter, let me know!

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