"But This Memory Is Still With Me"

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Chapter 1

Riker's POV

?: Riker, are you okay?

I look up from the photo album on my lap and look at my sister with teary eyes. She looks at me with a worried expression and after she sees my tears stained cheeks, she sits down next to me on my bed and wraps an arm around my shoulders. I lay my head on her shoulder as she starts playing with my hair to calm me down.

Rydel: You miss them, don't you?

Riker: Can you blame me?

Rydel: No, of course not. I also miss them. ... So much.

I look at my sister and now I can also see a tear escaping her beautiful hazel eyes. I pull her into my chest and seconds later I hear little sobs coming from her mouth. I slowly rub small circles on her back to calm her down, but it's not working.

Riker: I'm sorry that I brought it up again.

Rydel: It's not your fault, Riker. You miss them. I understand that. ... I miss them too.

I kiss her forehead and afterwards he help her up and we go downstairs into the kitchen, where we find our younger brother Rocky sitting on at the kitchen island, slowly picking at his grilled cheese sandwich. I help Rydel on a stool next to Rocky and grab a glass. I pour some orange juice in it and place it in front of Rydel. She slowly reaches her shaky hand out and takes a few sips, before placing it on the counter again. I stand in front of my brother and examine him as he takes a small bite from his sandwich.

Riker: Hey, bro. Are you okay?

Rocky: I could be better.

Riker: ... You're thinking of them right?

He slowly nods, before he places his sandwich on his plate and afterwards pushing the plate away from him.

Rocky: It's just so weird without them. We were once so many in this house and now it's only us.

Rydel: Yeah, it's just so quiet. ... I miss everybody.

Rocky: Me too.

I look at my younger and devastated siblings, when I suddenly hear the door bell ring. Rydel is about to stand up, but I place my hand on her shoulder and push her back down.

Riker: I'll go.

She sends me a small smile, before I push the glass with juice closer to her and afterwards going towards the hallway. I open the door, revealing my beautiful girlfriend standing in front of me. In the moment when she sees me, she throws her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. I don't hesitate to hug her back and I wrap my arms around her small waist.

Vanni: Hey babe. ... How are you?

I shrug my shoulders and let her in. She bends down so she can take off her converse; afterwards she comes up again and looks at me.

Vanni: How are Rydel and Rocky coping with the situation?

Riker: Well, not so well. We all miss them so much.

Vanni: That's totally normal and understandable. You were all so close and ow they're just gone. It must be really hard.

Riker: It is. ... How's Courtney dealing with it?

Vanni: Terrible. I was at her house yesterday and she was a total wreck. She was crying the whole time. I tried to comfort her, but it wasn't working at all. ... She's not the same anymore.

Riker: Just like us.

Vanni: I'm so sorry Riker.

Riker: Don't apologize Vanni. It's not your fault.

Vanni: I know, but I know what it feels like to miss someone and it's really hard. I just want you to know that I'm here for you guys, okay?

Riker: Okay.

I give her a short and sweet kiss, before intertwining our hands and guiding her with me into the kitchen, where she greets Rydel and Rocky with a hug and some comforting words. After some chat in the kitchen, Rydel and Vanni go upstairs, leaving me and Rocky in the kitchen. After some more minutes Rocky stands up, brings his plate to the sink and gives me a nod before trotting upstairs. I hear how he slams his door and now I'm alone in the kitchen. I also decide to do into my room. I lay down on my bed and place my hands behind my head as I stare at the ceiling. My eyes start becoming heavy and after some more minutes I fall into a deep sleep, while this certain vacation, which changed everything, replays in my dream again.


first chapter, what do you think?????? please leave me some comments. tysm


Love you <3<3<3

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