"Go Hence, To Have More Talks Of These Sad Things"

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Chapter 6

Riker's POV

I continue sobbing and shaking as I just stare at my father lying in front of me. Dead. I try to back away from him any farther, but the wall is in the way which causes me to panic. My eyes are red and puffy and hurt from all the crying. I can already feel, how the cold water makes it way under the door crack towards me. My clothes soak it up and after some minutes I start shivering. I think someone heard me crying because suddenly the door at the top of the staircase gets thrown open and I can see a silhouette standing in the door way. I place my hand in front of my teary eyes so I won't get blinded by the bright lights.

?: Oh son, what are you doing down here? You should be on deck.

The man comes towards me and grabs my arm, but I yank it away and back away.

Man: I just wanna help you. Come on. We gotta go.

Riker: No.

I turn back to my dad and my tears starts streaming. The man realizes what happened and I can hear him sigh behind me, before he grabs my arm again and pulls me with him. I try to release his grip on me and get free, but he's too strong.

Riker: No! I can't go! I can't just leave him here like that!

I start throwing my arms around me, but the man doesn't let go of me.

Man: You have to leave him son. I'm pretty sure he would not want to see his son dead.

I stop punching around and my glance freezes. Suddenly I remember what my dad said. "You're there for your siblings. ... I'm here for my family.". ... I have to be there for my siblings. ... Even if it means leaving dad here. I turn towards the man with a hurt expression.

Riker: And I can't just leave him here behind! HE'S MY FATHER!

Man: I'm sorry, but you have no other choice.

The man pulls me up the staircase as I just hold my stare onto dad. The further we get away, the more tears start escaping my eyes. I try reaching my arm towards him, but it's not worth it.

Riker: I'm so sorry dad. Please forgive me. ... I'll see you again in heaven.

With that the waiter pulls me through the door, towards the main deck, leaving my father forever behind. ... On the main deck, the waiter wraps a big and warm blanket around me, before he leaves me. I sit down on one of the beach chairs while wrapping the blanket more tightly around my cold body.

?: Oh my poor boy!

I look up with my tired eyes and see my family and Ellington rushing towards me. Mom immediately pulls me into a long hug while I cry into her shoulder.

Ross: Riker, what happened?

I release from the hug and look at my siblings. I have to tell them, but that also means destroying their hopeful faces. I just shake my head and turn around and walk away slowly.

Rocky: RIKER!

I stop and drop my head, not turning towards my family. I wipe my wet eyes with the blanket till I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to the person and see my worried sister standing next to me.

Rydel: Riker, what happened?

I look one more time at mom and the guys before I turn my attention back to Rydel, who's still waiting for an answer.

Riker: ... I ... I lost dad.

I push her hand off my shoulder and continue walking away. I can feel their stares at me, probably all wondering what I meant with that.

This Is Where It Ended ... (R5 AU)Where stories live. Discover now