"It's Agony"

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Chapter 10

2:43 am

Riker's POV

I can't even describe who I'm feeling right now. My entire body is numb and hurts like hell. Frost formed on our hair and face. I'm exhausted and my eyes are about to close, but I have to stay awake. I slowly turn my head to Rocky and Ross. Ross still has his eyes closed. I move my shaking hand to his neck and feel his pulse. It's still there, but it's very low. I shake Rocky and he opens his eyes again. Thank god.

Rocky: R-riker?

Riker: Mmh?

Rocky: ... I guess this is it. ... There are no more lifeboats coming.

I slowly nod my head.

Rocky: I love you bro.

Riker: ... I love you too.

Rocky: So ... does that mean ... we're saying goodbye now?

Riker: ... I-I ... guess so.

I hear Rocky gulp before he continues talking.

Rocky: ... You were the best big bro in the whole wide world.

I turn my head towards him and send him a small and sad smile.

Riker: And you were one of the best baby bros in the world. ... I'm sorry that I didn't save you.

Rocky: It's not your fault.

I turn away from him and look at the surface of the water. People over people are floating on top of it. All frozen to death. I'm about to give up, when I see lights from far away. Could it be possible? Is it really a lifeboat?


Riker: Rocky, Ross. ... There's a boat.

There's still not reaction of Ross, but Rocky looks into the direction of the light.

Rocky: How are we gonna make us noticeable?

I shrug and start with the easiest way of making yourself noticeable.

Riker: *raspy and quiet voice* Come back!

But my throat is so dry, it barely comes out as a whisper.


Sailor 2: I don't think there are any survivors out there. ... We're too late.

Rocky suddenly jumps into the water and I can see, how the two men turn their head into our direction.

Sailor: Did you hear that?

Sailor 2: Yeah. Come on, it came from over there.

Rocky reached a floating corpse in the water with a lifejacket including a whistle on. With his shaking hand he takes the whistle and blows as loud as he can, while I try to scream for them.

Riker: *raspy and quiet voice* ... Over here!

As Rocky continues blowing the whistle, the boat slowly makes its way over to us. When they see us freezing creatures in the water, they throw away their paddle and help us out of the water. First, I hand them the still unconscious Ross, before they help me and Rocky in. They cover us with blankets and hot water bottles and that's the last thing I remember before I black out.


8:08 am

Rydel's POV

We reached Boston Harbor around 15 minutes ago. We all got off the boat and the first thing I receive is a sandwich and a blanket. I grab the stuff quickly, before I run as fast as possible over to the next phone I can find. I quickly dial a number and wait for the person to answer.

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