"When ... My ... Time Comes Around"

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Chapter 9

2:11 am

Riker's POV

I hear the guys gasp next to me and seconds later we hit the water. The ship pulls us under water. It literally sucks us into the ocean. I try to swim up, but because of the strong current, it's not that easy. I feel, how my oxygen gets less in my lungs and I know I have to try to swim up as fast as possible now, otherwise I'll drown. I take all my strength and move my arms and legs to push myself up. Then, finally after some more seconds I reach the surface of the water and gasp for air. I look around. All the rest of the people who didn't get into a lifeboat are swimming on the open ocean now. It's a mess filled with screaming and crying. People dunk me under water, trying to hold themselves up, but I push them away. I look for Ellington, Rocky and Ross, which is really hard because it's night.

Riker: ELLINGTON!? ... ROSS!? ... ROCKY!?

I can't hear anything over the yelling and whining and I'm pretty sure they didn't hear me either, but then I hear a raspy voice coming from behind me.

?: R-Riker?!

I turn around and look around. ... Then I see a wet blonde mob of hair in the chaos.

Riker: ROSS!

He's half under water with his head and he looks exhausted. I swim to him and that's when I see Ellington and Rocky appearing next to us. They're coming up from the water and gasp for air before they flip their wet hair out of their face.

Riker: You have to swim!

I start swimming ahead, but when I look behind me I see Rocky and Ellington, how they try to hold Ross over the surface.

Ross: ... I can't.

Riker: Yes, you can. I believe in you.

Ross: No, you have to leave me behind.

Riker: Forget it. I'm not leaving you behind. Friends and family stick together. ... No matter what. ... I'm not leaving you behind.

Rocky: What about the rest? What's gonna happen to them? You can't save all of us, bro.

Riker: I'll try because I don't want any of my siblings to die just because I wasn't there for them. ... Please, just try to swim. ... For me.

Ross: ... I ... can't. ... Please, leave. Save yourself. I don't want to be a burden.

Riker: You're not a burden. You're my brother. I don't wanna lose any of my siblings. I've watched you grow up and I don't wanna watch you die now. ... What else am I supposed to do without you guys?

I see how Ross is about to close his eyes, but I slightly slap his cheek to wake him up again.

Riker: No, don't close your eyes now, Ross. We're gonna make it.

Ellington: How? Riker, what are we gonna do? We can't leave him here, but we also can't stay any longer in the water. And it looks like the lifeboats are not coming back.

What am I gonna do? I can't leave them here. I at least have to try to save them all.

Riker: Let's see if we can find something here in the water, where we can get on.

I take Ross on my back and start swimming. Ellington and Rocky follow me. I find a huge wooden table floating on the water. I'm about to swim towards it, but then I hear screaming behind me. It sounds familiar. I turn around and that's when I see, who it was.


Rydel's POV

We hear the screams coming from the people in the cold water. I slightly stand up and look at the crowded mess in the water. People throw their arms in the air, trying to not go under. I turn towards the sailor of the lifeboat.

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