"I'm On Vacation"

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Chapter 2

Flashback (Dream)

Riker's POV

Mark: Alright family. Here we are. May I present you ... the "Anthem of the Sea".

I look up at the massive cruise ship laying on front of us in Boston Harbor. My mouth hangs open as I examine this huge piece of art in the water. This is still unbelievable.

Rydel: I still can't believe we're going on a cruise for our yearly family vacation. This is so exciting.

I shake my head at my sister's cuteness and turn around to Vanni. I open my arms and she runs into them, while wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso.

Vanni: I'm gonna miss you.

Riker: Don't worry, sweetheart. We're only gonna be gone for 10 days. I'll be back sooner than you think.

Vanni: I hope so.

I lean in and we share a sweet goodbye kiss, before we release from our hug and I go back to my family who's already waiting at the entrance for me.

Stormie: Come on Riker. Hurry up.

Riker: Alright alright. I'm here. But you didn't have to hurry me so much. I mean, what about Ross? He's still with Courtney and you're not calling for him?


Ross turns to Ellington and glares at him before he gives Courtney another kiss. Then he jogs towards us while Courtney goes over to Vanni.

Ross: Calm down. You didn't have to hurry so much.

We grab our bags before we completely enter the ship. We go on top and Ross and I go directly to the railing to wave Vanni and Courtney goodbye one more time. The rest of the family joins us and now I can already feel how the ship starts moving. We leave the harbor and send our girls on the land one more air kiss before they're too far away to see our actions anymore. We move away from the railing and look at the surroundings on his boat.

Ryland: Well, guys. I guess it's official. ... Let's get this vaca started!

Ross' POV

Right now we're at the Boston Harbor; we're about to get on board, but before that I have to say goodbye to a really important person. I turn towards my girlfriend and take her soft hands into mine.

Courtney: Promise me you'll take some nice pictures of your cruise?

I smile because listening to her cute Australian accent makes me love her even more.

Ross: Of course. I know how much you love photography. But only of you promise that you won't replace me.

Courtney: I could never. I know there's only one man in this world who is the male version of me. ... And that's you.

I laugh and wrap my arms around her waist to pull her into a kiss. She instantly kisses back and wraps her arms around my neck. After some minutes we release from our kiss and I take her hands again in mine while leaning my forehead against hers.

Ross: I'm gonna miss you Court.

Courtney: I'm gonna miss you too Ross. Please come back in one.

Ross: Always.

I kiss her forehead and right in that moment I hear Ellington yelling behind me.


I glare at him while Courtney just releases a giggle. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and afterwards I go over to my family.

Ross: Calm down. You didn't have to hurry so much.

We go on board and Riker and I go immediately on top of the ship to the railing to say our girls one more time goodbye. I send Courtney an air kiss which she gladly catches, then the ship starts moving and we're now officially leaving Boston Harbor. I turn away after I waved at my girl and look at my family.

Ryland: Well, guys. I guess it's official. ... Let's get this vaca started!


(the ship is at the top)

yay family vaca! how awesome would it actually be to go on a cruise with the Lynch's and Ellington? that'd be so awesome! but is it really gonna be that awesome in Riker's dream/flasback? ... you have to continue reading to find out XD


Love you <3<3<3

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