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10 years later

Riker's POV

Vanni: Riker, do we really have to do it now?

Riker: Please babe. Otherwise I'll never do it.

Vanni: Alright.

We're right now in our old family house in my room. We decided that it's time for all of us to move out, not just because we're all old enough, but also because Vanni and I are expecting our first baby, so we want to move in together. She's now three months pregnant and I couldn't be happier. I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with the love of my life and my wonderful child. Rydel and Rocky already moved out and they already gathered their things. Some years after the ship disaster Rydel met another guy named Cameron. He's a nice guy; I've met him. They moved together like one month ago and he also proposed. Rydel accepted, but I know, deep down, she's still thinking about Ellington. It's understandable. He was her first kiss. Her first boyfriend. She wanted to spend her entire life with him, but god decided different. But she realized that Ellington will never come back, so she had to move on, but I know she'll never forget Ellington. He will always be a part of her. ... Rocky also met a girl. Her name is Jessica and she's a sweetheart. I know she's the right one for Rocky. She's funny, loves pranking, is tall, brunette and she loves ice hockey. Everything that Rocky loves. They also moved together around two weeks ago, when they had their five year anniversary. I'm so proud of my siblings. They've continued living life even though it was hard for us, but the made it. ... Courtney on the other side it still grieving. Can I blame her? No. Ross was the perfect boy for her. Like she said it, he was the male version of her and she was the female version of him. They were meant to be. They just belonged together, which is why Courtney still didn't move on. She can't. I feel sorry for her. She's never gonna find a guy like Ross again. ... Ever. ... Because I'm pretty sure that no other guy will have the same exact interest as her. They just completed each other, which makes me really sad. ... She's not the same anymore. ... Vanni and I enter my old room and start packing the most important things. I start organizing my desk, while Vanni packs all my clothes. While searching through my drawers, I find something that I thought I would never see again. I straighten the paper a little bit and look more closely at the photograph in my hands. ... The first day on our family cruise. ... Where everything was still okay. We asked one of the waiters to take a picture of all of us on deck and afterwards mom posted it on Instagram. Back then I screenshotted that pic and printed it out, so I'll have some memories, but honestly I wanna forget everything about this cruise. As I look at the pic tears start building and they drop onto the paper in my hand. Vanni comes to my side and takes my free hand into hers.

Vanni: Are you okay?

Riker: ... Yeah.

Vanni: You wanna talk about it?

Riker: No. ... It happened. ... And I can't reverse time.

Vanni: You know they'll always be with you. ... In here.

She places her hand on my chest where my heart is and smiles at me, which I can only return. I'm so glad that I have her in my life. I lean down to her and press my lips onto hers. After we share a sweet kiss, we pull away and we continue packing.

I know, that the night from July 22nd 2015 to July 23rd 2015 will always be in my memories. Not only because of the disaster, but also because I realized that way too many people died, even though I could have prevented it. I could've saved them. ... But everything happens for a reason. ... And after that night, I've learned something. ... Always be there for your family and friends because one day they'll be gone, even though you didn't see that coming. And till that time comes you have to be there for them in every possible situation. ... In that certain situation I wasn't there for my siblings, parents and friend. ... And I really regret it.

That was the time where it all ended. ...

The cruise, the collision, the sinking, the dying.

This Is Where It Ended ...




tell me how you liked this story, I'd like to receive a  feedback. thank you.

now that this story is finished, I'll continue with my other stories like "Bonnie & Clyde" and "Numb" and maybe I'll also write some short stories. i just got a request and i'm still thinking about the story.

so see you later babes. 


Love you <3<3<3

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