"I Never Wanted Everything To End This Way"

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Chapter 5

0:10 am

Riker's POV

It's been 20 minutes since the announcement of the captain and we're all still sitting outside in the cold, wrapped in blankets, waiting for any answers if the ship is gonna be fixed or not. I look at my siblings and see all their confused, sometimes also scared faces. I have to be there for them. I'm the oldest. It's my duty. If I don't get any answer, then I'm gonna check the situation on my own. I unwrap the blanket around my shoulders and stand up; my family and Ellington look confused at me.

Ellington: Where are you going?

Riker: I'm gonna check the situation. We don't get any information at all, so I have to find out by myself.

Rydel suddenly jumps up, causing Ross and Rocky to wince at her sudden outburst.

Rydel: No! You're not going! I don't want you to get hurt.

Riker: Rydel, I'll be alright.

Rydel: You don't know that.

I place my hands on her shoulders to calm her down.

Riker: Rydel, I want you to calm down now, okay? When I'm gone, you're the second oldest sibling here. You have to keep a cool head. Please, do me this favor and calm down.

Small tears roll down her cheeks as she nods her head. Ellington runs towards her and wraps her into his embrace, while she hides her face into his chest. I pat his shoulder, telling him a thank you for being there for my sister while he just sends me a nod as an answer. Dad also stands up and comes next to me.

Mark: I'm coming with you.

Riker: No dad, you're not.

Mark: Yes I am. You're there for your siblings. ... I'm here for my family.

I send him a smile and we share a quick hug before we walk away from our family, slightly hearing the small sniffles from Rydel and mom. ... We go inside the ship and walk along the hallway towards the cabins. We reach our cabins away some more minutes and look around. No water reached this hallway, so the damage isn't probably that big because our cabins are not the king sized rooms which means they're towards the lower decks, ergo they're closer to the bottom of the ship. We quickly look into our cabins. No water. Not in the living area and also not in the bathroom.

Mark: Everything's clear here. I think we have to go lower.

I just nod and go ahead; dad closes the door to the cabin again and follows me. We go towards the stairs and make our way down into the lower parts of the ship. I stop in front of the door to the corridor and press my ear onto the door to check, if I can hear any sounds of water streaming down the way. I slowly open the door and peek my head into the hallway. No big waves, but as we step inside I can already feel the ice cold water reaching up to our ankles. I'm about to walk along the way, when dad grabs my arm and pulls me back.

Mark: I think we should go back.

Riker: No, we have to continue walking.

Mark: But we already found out that there's a leak in the ship. We can inform the captain and then they're gonna fix it.

Riker: No, we have to find the actual source. We can't just tell them, that there's a leak. That wouldn't bring anything at all. We have to find the exact position.

Mark: But Riker. Have some common sense. It's too dangerous.

Riker: You can go back. I'll go further.

I release his grip from my arm and continue wading through the water. I hear dad sigh behind me, but I don't look back. He can go back, if he wants to, but I have to find out the actual position of the leak. I come to a door and try to open it, but it's locked. With all my strength I push my body weight against it, but it doesn't move a bit. Suddenly I hear some water splashing behind me. I turn around and see my dad walking towards me. A small smile appears on my face. He wants to support me.

Mark: I'm not leaving my son in this kinda situation.

Riker: Thank you dad.

He smiles at me, before he helps me break down the door. We quietly enter and see that the water is already high here. It goes up to our knees now.

Riker: Shit! This is cold!

Mark: Do you still think we should continue walking?

I send my dad a glare and roll my eyes. Ha ha ha, very funny, dad.

Riker: Alright. Let's go back.

We turn around and walk along the hallway, back to the exit. We turn around a corner and this is when we get surprised by a big wave of freezing water. My eyes wide and I put my hands up to my face, but of course, the massive wave takes me and dad with it. We try gasping for air, but the water is too high, causing us to go under and swallow loads of water. I can sneak a glance at the hallway and see that there's an open door to another staircase. I pull my hand out and grab the doorframe forcibly and with all my strength I pull myself out of the water onto the staircase as I watch the fast water continue its way through the corridor. I take some deep breaths to calm down from this sudden happening. But then I remember. I hurry back to the hallway and hold myself over the water on the doorframe while looking to the left and right.

Riker: DAD!? ... DAD!?

No answer. The water does not get less, but I have to take this risk to rescue dad. Otherwise it would be my fault that he's dead because it was me, who said we should continue walking, while he said we should go back. I should've listened to my dad. I jump into the water and try to hold myself up by swimming, but the water is just too strong and fast that I go under easily. At the end of the hallway I see a body being pressed onto the wall by the big wave of water. I recognize it immediately. I swim towards it and grabs one arm and pull the person with me towards the next door to the next staircase. I pull the body after me out of the water and quickly close the door behind us, so the staircase won't be overflowed with ocean water. I breathe heavily before I turn the body onto its back and examine the face. The blue lips. The pale skin. The closed eyes. No moving chest. I hold my ear onto his chest one more time to be completely sure, but after some minutes I give up. I won't find a heartbeat or pulse. Tears start to build up in my eyes. There's no way of rescuing him. No way of resuscitating him. ... And it's all my fault. I slowly scooch away from my dad's dead body, towards the wall. I pull my knees up and wrap my shaking arms around them as my tears start streaming down my cheeks. I basically killed my own father. Loud sobs escape my mouth.

Riker: I'm so sorry dad. ... I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. ... We should have gone back. ... It's all my fault that you're gone now. ... I'm sorry.


oh no .... mark didn't survive the massive waves of ice cold water ........ :'-(

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Love you <3<3<3

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