"Sometimes Goodbye Though It Hurts In Your Heart Is The Only Way For Destiny"

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Chapter 11

End of Flashback (Dream)

Riker's POV

I slowly open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. ... This night changed everything. ... That was five months ago. ... And we're still all thinking about it. ... It's haunting our dreams. ... I miss my brothers, parents and best friend so much. I close my eyes and try to suppress my tears, but they find their way down my cheeks. Someone knocks on my door and I quickly wipe my tears away.

Riker: Come in.

The door opens and reveals my little sister. She peeks her head in and looks with a small smile at me.

Rydel: Ehm ... I just wanted to tell you that Vanni left.

Riker: Why didn't she say goodbye?

Rydel: She came in your room about 20 minutes ago and said you were fast asleep, so she asked me to tell you she left because she had some things to do. But she sends you a hug and kiss.

I chuckle lightly and sit up on my bed. Rydel still stands in the door. I motion her to come in and pat the place next to me. She sits down and takes my hands into hers.

Rydel: You know what day today is?

Riker: Yeah. ... It's Ross' birthday.

I look down and try to hide my tears because I wanna be strong for my sister, but she puts her fingers under my chin and makes me look at her. She slowly wipes my tears with her thumb and smiles sadly at me.

Rydel: It's okay to cry. ... We all miss them.

I nod. Suddenly Rydel stands up and goes towards the door, but before she leaves, she turns to me again.

Rydel: You maybe wanna come and sing Happy Birthday with me to Ross?

I smile at her.

Riker: ... Of course.

She smiles at me and leaves me to get ready. ... I go downstairs into the hallway and see Rocky and Rydel already waiting for me. I put on my converse and jacket, before we go outside. We get into my blue Toyota FJ Cruiser and make our way towards the cemetery. ... When we reach the cemetery, I gulp. I never liked the cemetery. Who does? But the fact that five of my best friends are lying here makes this place even scarier. We bought some flowers for our people and a birthday card for Ross and now we're going towards their graves. The first ones we visit are our parents. Their graves are right next to each other's. We stand in front of it and while Rydel places the red roses on the graves I read the sayings on the gravestones again.

Mark Lynch

January 5th 1962 – July 23rd 2015



Stormie Lynch

August 23rd 1967 – July 23rd 2015


I wipe my tears and send both of the gravestones an air kiss. Rocky removes the old flowers and afterwards we move to the next grave. Also here, Rydel places some fresh flowers on the ground as Rocky removes the old ones. He quickly wipes his tears while doing so.

Ryland Michael Lynch

April 17th 1997 – July 23rd 2015


Just three months before this disaster he turned 18. He became an adult. It's not fair that he died at such a young age. He could've had his whole life. I shake my head and already move on to the next grave. I stand in front of it and soon I hear my siblings approaching me. When they stand next to me, I hear my sister whimper and also Rocky gulps.

Ellington Lee Ratliff

April 14th 1993 – July 23rd 2015


I look at my sister and see how her tears escape her eyes. Rocky takes her into his arms and she cries into his chest. We're about to leave, when we see two people approaching Ellington's grave. I turn around and see Cheryl and George with flowers in their hands walking towards us. When they see us, they show us a sad nod, which I return. We leave the grave and literally have to drag Rydel with us, but I think it's better if Cheryl and George have their alone time at their son's grave. ... Then the last grave. ... When we turn around the corner, we see a person sitting in front of the grave, cross-legged, wrapped in a winter coat and with a bobble cap on their head. It looks like the person is talking to the grave and as we walk closer to it, I recognize the person. The accent tells it all. She looks towards us and when we're standing directly next to her, Courtney stands up and looks at us, with her smeared mascara on her face.

Courtney: I'm gonna leave you guys alone with him.

Riker: Thank you.

Courtney: No problem.

She smiles at us sadly, before she turns around and leaves. There he is. ... The birthday boy.

Ross Shor Lynch

December 29th 1995 – July 23rd 2015


Today he would've turned 20. Rydel places the flowers and birthday card on the snow before she stands next to us again.

Rocky: Happy Birthday Ross.

Rydel: Happy 20th Birthday baby bro.

Riker: ... Have a nice birthday in heaven.

We sing a fast and depressed Happy Birthday to him, before we turn around and leave the cemetery. ... At home, we all go our different ways again. ... This is how we turned out. ... No more talking in the house. No more laughing. Nothing. ... The funny spirit is gone. ... I miss them all so much. ... They were all my everything. ... I did everything with my family, but now that over the half of them are gone, everything's changed. I just want everything to go back to normal, before we started this vacation. ... I wish we never went on it. ... It ruined my entire life. ... Not just mine. ... The giggly Rydel is gone. ... The funny Rocky is gone. ... The energetic Riker is gone. ... All that's left is a sad shell with nothing other left than sadness.


only the epilogue is left. then this story

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