"Was This Supposed To Happen?"

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Chapter 4


Riker's POV

Ellington: This is literally the best vacation ever!

Ross: I know right? And who had the idea?

Rocky: Dad.

Ross: What?! I was talking about me.

Riker: How was it your idea?

Ross: I slightly mentioned it in dad's surroundings.

Rydel: But he was still the one who organized this trip and who also paid for it.

Ross: ... Can't you give let me have my moment of appreciation?

We all laugh as Ross crosses his arms over his chest and pouts. It's 7:30 pm. We just come back from diner and because today is such a beautiful and warm day, we decided that we're gonna go on deck again and relax a little it while we watch the sunset. I look towards the railing where I see Rydel and Ellington; she leans her head onto his shoulder as he wraps his arm slightly around her shoulders. With the sunset in front of them it is literally the perfect picture and before I can do anything else, mom already grabbed her phone and snaps this beautiful pic before posting it on Instagram. Typical mom. I give her a look.

Stormie: What? I have to remember this trip, so I have to take a lot of pictures.

Riker: And then sharing it with the whole world?

Stormie: Yeah, I want them to know that we love each other and that we have an awesome family vacation.

Riker: It's okay mom. I was just messing with you.

I pull her into my chest and give her a small hug while she lightly punches me in the arm.

Stormie: Don't do that with me son.

She giggles, and before she and dad go back to the cabin she gives all of us a goodbye kiss on the cheek. I stand next to Rydellington on the railing and lean my arms onto them while looking at the gorgeous red and orange horizon. If only Vanni would be here now. This would be such a romantic moment and I'm a romantic guy. Everybody knows.

Ellington: I think we're also gonna go. Delly is getting tired.

Rydel: Not true.

She yawns. Ellington smiles and shakes his head at my tired sister and his girlfriend.

Ellington: So true. Come on princess. See you tomorrow guys.

Rydel: Night, bros.

All: Good night.

The leave and afterwards the rest of my bros come next to me, also leaning against the railing.

Rocky: You know guys. Have you ever thought about the bad sides of such a vacation?

Ryland: What do you mean?

Rocky: You know what I mean. We've watched "Titanic" millions of times. And every time Ross cried when Jack died.

Ross: I did not!

Rocky: Yeah you did.

Ross: ... Okay I did, but Jack and Rose are just meant to be. They were supposed to grow old together till death would do them apart.

Ryland: Death did do them apart.

Ross: ... Oh yeah.

Riker: Guys! Let's just not think of anything negative right now, okay? Let's just enjoy the rest of our vacation because it's gonna be sooner over than you think.

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