"Everybody Talks"

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Chapter 3

Riker's POV

We found our cabins on the ship and now we're first of all starting to unpack. Rydel and Ellington share one cabin; Ross, Rocky, Ryland and I have the bigger suite next to them and on the other end are mom and dad. After around 30 minutes, we are all done, already dressed in swim wear, so we can check out the pool on deck. With towels and pool noodles we make our way on top of the cruise liner. As we arrived, we place our towels on the beach chair before us guys jump into the cold fresh water. Rydel and mom decide to sunbathe, while dad joins a little later in the water. This is probably the best vacation I've ever had in my entire life. Not to mention that I'm with my family, but, to be honest, with Vanni it would be even better, but she sadly couldn't come because of her yoga classes. And Courtney. ... Well, looks like we're gonna see her pretty soon on the big screen, so she has some important things to do for the movie. ... As we continue slashing in the water, we don't realize that the sun already set and it's already getting dark.

Ryland: It's already dark?

Rocky: God, how long have we been here?

Rydel comes to the edge of the pool with five towels for us guys. Dad already went out about an hour ago.

Rydel: You've been in the pool for about five hours now. Look at your fingers.

We all lift our hands from under the water and some of us shriek as we see our wrinkled hands. Rydel just laughs at us and waits for us to come out the water so she can throw us the towels.

Rydel: Come on. It's almost time for diner. And we still have to change.

With that she turns around and already leaves to change for diner. We dry our bodies a little bit before we also go back to our cabins to change. ... 20 minutes later we're standing in front of the restaurant.

Ross: Wow, this looks really fancy.

Stormie: This is why we're dressed nice. Now come on everyone.

Mom goes ahead and we all follow her to our table. The waiter comes to us and we order some drinks. Afterwards I start a conversation.

Riker: So, what are we gonna do tomorrow?

Rydel: Funny you should ask. I've put together an itinerary of really fun things to do.

Rydel pulls out a little piece of paper form her purse and unfolds it really proudly.

Ryland: Pfft! That fact that you used the word "itinerary" already means it's not gonna be fun.

(Note: Sorry, but i had to put this tiny tiny dialogue from Austin & Ally in it. it just fit so perfectly. ;-P )

Rydel: But it will be. Here are so many awesome things we cone do together as a family.

Ellington: Like what?

Rydel: Well, there is the spa, the shopping area-.

Ross: I thought you didn't like shopping.

Rydel: Yes, I just said it so you guys know. Then there's also the bowling alley, the-.

Ellington: I'm for bowling!

Rocky: Sounds like a plan.

Mark: Alright bowling it is tomorrow. We'll first have breakfast at 8 am and then I can book a line for us at 1 pm. Alright?

We mumble some 'yeah's before the waiter returns with our drinks again. We order our meals and after an amount of time they arrive. I gotta say, this is probably the best steak I've had in a long time. Wow, everything is just so perfect here. This can't be true. Something bad is probably gonna happen soon with all the luck we're having now. No, I'm not even thinking about it. I'm just gonna enjoy this family vacation. We finish our meal actually really fast, probably because we were all hungry from all the swimming. Dad pays and we leave to go to our cabins again. We play some games till it's already 11 pm. We all take a shower and afterwards we all go into our individual cabins for the night.


just a little filler chapter before it gets serious .............

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