A New Friend

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, places, etc ....................................................................
As the train slowly stopped at Hogsmeade Station James practically strutted out of their compartment and down the hall where he spotted his friends. Lily, slightly less eager, was the last to leave the compartment as she walked down the hall with the crowd and exited the train. Rose stopped and waited for Lily to catch up.

"Are you okay Lily?" Questioned Rose concern written all over her face, "You look a bit nauseous."

"Yeah, yeah...I'm fine." Said Lily uneasily.

"Okayyy, if you say so." Said Rose grabbing Lily's hand and half pulling, half dragging her towards Albus and Hugo who were looking at a carriage that was supposedly being pulled by something called a Thestral.

"That's what Luna and Dad said they were called anyways." Albus said to a perplexed Hugo.

As people pushed their way around. Lily shivered in the cold night air. Then a lamp came bobbing over the heads of the students and Lily heard a familiar voice calling: "Firs' years over here!" As Rose and Albus practically shoved Lily and Hugo in the direction of Hagrid, she kept a tight hold on Mr. Poof. The last thing she needed was to loose him in the crowd.

"Lily! Hugo! I presume yer dad's ar doin fine eh." Hagrid boomed as he saw them.

"Yep!" Said Hugo popping the p. "Dad told me to say hi to you for him!"

"Well the next time you send 'im an owl be sure to tell 'im hi back fer me. And remember ter come fer tea at me hut, bring all yer little friends too." Said Hagrid cheerfully.

"Alright!" Exclaimed Hugo as Lily feared if she opened her mouth she would vomit she was so nervous.

Hagrid told everyone that they should get going now or else they would be late.


As Lily and Hugo walked along a dark path with the other first years Lily accidentally bumped into someone sending them both sprawling.

"Oh jeez! Are you all right?" Asked a girl about her height with platinum blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine, are you okay though?" Lily asked with concern.

"Well no..." The girl said, "but I've never been better!" She joked giggling.

The two girls started laughing, and laughing, and laughing. When they calmed down they ran to catch up to the group. They kept talking and giggling until they reached the black lake, as they did they got the most magnificent view of the castle.

It was amazing, stretching high above  them. It would have been more amazing during the day when its easier to see but its still seemed to satisfy people as several people gasped in awe.

"Alright firs' years four people per boat!" Bellowed Hagrid.

As the kids pushed their way into the boats Hugo, Lily, the blonde girl and a brown haired boy.

As everyone boarded the the boat Lily noticed that Hugo had started up a conversation with the brown haired boy.

"What's your name?" Lily asked the blonde girl, realizing that she hasn't asked yet.

"My name is Stella Longbottom, what's your's?" She said cheerfully.

"The name's Lily Potter."

"I like the name Lily you know." Said Stella.

"I like your name as well!" Said Lily.

"HEY! Isn't your dad Neville Longbottom?" Questioned Lily.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Well your last name is Longbottom and, well, how common is the last name Longbottom?"

"Fair point, but if our dad's are family friends then how come I've never heard of you?"

"Well I'm not quite sure, but I do know one thing..." Said Lily

"What's that?" Stella asked curiously.

"It's that you look A LOT like Luna Lovegood......!"

"Oh, I get that a lot. My dad is Neville Longbottom and my moms Luna Lovegood." Explained Stella

"But isn't Neville married to Hannah and Luna to Rolf?"

"Its complicated......"

"Oh." Replied Lily as an awkward silence took over.

"Do you think there its true there is a giant squid in the lake?" Asked Hugo nervously peeking over the side.

"Yes. If you read Hogwarts A History you would know that." Answerd Stella making Hugo and Lily roll their eyes.

"That book is boring." Hugo said "How someone would ever want to read that book let alone finish it."

"Please I bet you hardly even know how to read at all." Scoffed Stella.

"Excuse me, I will have you know that I know how to read you're just a nerd, that book has like 2000 pages and you probably read the whole thing in one day!" Snapped back Hugo

"Its not 2000 pages its 1500 pages which is probably not even the amount of pages you've read in 11 years!"

"They just met and are already arguing like an old married couple." The brown haired boy whisperd.

"I know!" Snickered Lily "What's your name?"

"Brogen Wood, and you must be Lily Potter! My older brother Xavier hangs out with your cousin Victoire."

"Oh yeah!" Lily said just realizing why the boy looked so familiar. She'd seen him around the Burrow a couple times before.

"So what is your view on Hogwarts A History?" Asked Lily.

"I tried to read it to know what exactly to expect from Hogwarts. But I felt if I didn't put it down I would die from boredom." Smiled Brogen "What about you?"

"Its talked about enough by my cousins and other family members rhat I guess I never bothered to pick it up." Shrugged Lily "So what are you most excited for? Probably Quidditch because the only Wood in your family that isn't obsessed is your sister Celia but she isn't exactly what you call normal."

"Actually I'm most excited to see what house I'm going to be sorted in but Quidditch is a close second." Smiled Brogen sheepishly

This chapter is dedicated to Owllover22101

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