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Actually I'm just inspired by my Math & Physics Teacher when she told us that we have REBELIOUS HEART, and that two words sounds good for my ear cause all I can think is a new FIC! Hahaha~
sorry my beloved teacher,dont worry I'll still be good at your subject and keep my works!

So Here it is!

Seohyun is walking her way to her girlfriend's classroom hopping like a 5 years old girl out of excitement

"Hahaha,She look like a freak!"
She heard a girl said in a boastful manner with her friends
Seohyun look at the girl and the latter smirked at her,
Finding it really irritating seohyun just shrug her shoulders and continue walking..

Upon reaching her girlfriend's classroom
She frowned when she saw her flirting with some other girl..

"Yah Choi Soo Young!"
She shouted from the door of the said classroom

The latter look at her and smile,wave and walk towards her

"What do you think are you doing?,flirting with someone else behind my back?"
She angrily said

"What are you saying?,We've been practicing for our roleplaying"
Sooyoung reason out

"Really?,no cheating right?"
Seohyun said with her pouty lips

Sooyoung emmedietly hug her girlfriend

"Ofcourse,hey we've been together for 3years,since first year college..And babe would you mind to eat now?,I'm hungry"
Said sooyoung resting her chin in seohyun's shoulder

"Ok ok,let's go!"
Said seohyun,linking her arms to the taller one

They headed to the canteen and eat
After their oh so called 'meal'

A girl approach them

"Hey Soo!"
The girl called
The couple look at her

Sooyoung stand from her seat and hug sunny

"Who is she?"
Asked seohyun

"Hey babe,this is Lee Sunkyu,but we call her sunny,she's my childhood friend."
Explained by sooyoung

"I'm Lee Sunkyu,but you can also call me Sunny.."

"Nice to meet you Sunny-ssi?.I wonder why you seems new?"
Said seohyun shaking hands with the midget while her other hand is on her chin

"hahaha,It's just I transfered this semester from other University.."
Replied sunny

"Ahhh.That why.."
Said seohyun

"By The Way Soo,I need to go,I have to attend my date since I already have no subject to attend"
Reasoned Sunny

"Date?,to whom?"
Sooyoung said defensive for her friend

"I dont know..My mom just set it..Aish I hope she's one of my type...Bye Soo see yah next time!"
Sumny said and rush out

"Yah sunny!"
Shouted sooyoung but the latter didnt hear her
That's why she just sat on her sit
Seohyum is just watching her,
How sooyoung is,as a defensive friend

*Ice cream sarang dugeun dugeun saengsang ma-*

"Hello Umma?"
Answered sooyoung to the phone call

Signal seohyun,well hell their relationship is not official to their parents,for they are strict

Sooyoung nod

[Sooyoung,I knew you dont have any subject to attend now,so why dont you come home now and we'll be foing somewhere,it is very important so comehome now!]
said sooyoung's mother from the other line

"But mom-"

[No Buts,just come home!]
commandedsooyoung mother

"Ok ok umma,bye"
Said sooyoung and the call ended


"Why what does Aunt said?"
Asked seohyun

"She said that I need to go home now,coz' we're going somewhere and it's really important"
Replied sooyoung

"Then go Babe!"
Said seohyun

"You sure?"
Asked soo

"Ofcourse,It's your mom I cant go against her will"
Replied Seohyun

"Then I'll be going babe,Take care love you,text me when you got home later,ok?"
Said sooyoung

"Ok babe,by love you too!"
Replied seohyun and the taller one left

While,A Doe Eyed Girl went home earlier than usual for she need to fix her things to her new apartment

"Mr. !"
Called yoona to a guy who's helping her to brimg her thing to her apartment unit

"Yeah,young lady?"
Replied the guy

"Uhmm I just want to know if everything is here already?"
Asked yoona

"Ah yes,This is the past one!"
Replied the guy and place the last bowat the floor

"Then thanks Mr. ,here's my pay and have a good day!"
Says yoona and bow to the older as a sign of respect

The guy left her at her unit with the bunch of boxes around her

"Ok!,Lets Get started!"
Yoona Cheered for herself

She started to paint her walls with quick Dry Paint a Powder Blue color with combination of Pink and white..Good thing that it turns out like the wall is painted by some professional.

She wait an hour for the paint to completely dry,by painting her room with sky blue and white paint and doing the same to the second room while she paint her kitchen with much lighter color of blue and she started to arranger her furnitures for her living room after the paint there dries..

Unknown to Yoona she's making a loud sound for arranging the bed in two rooms and also her general cleaning takes too much time that she didnt notice that it's already 8:00 pm while she started cleaning at 3:30 in the afternoon

Yoona visit her living room,kitchen and the two rooms everything is perfect thanks to her white curtain that brings much more beauty to her place.

She smile to the thought of before and after of her apartment

She went inside her room and throw herself at her small couch there

She said in happiness she took her phone from her pocket

She said the time she didnt notice it...
She dialed a a number and order unhealthy food for dinner..

She then have her bath and wear her favorite PJ's (Rilakumma)
Then the doorbell rang she was ashamed of her childish PJ's so she hide herself at the back of the door and open it sligjtly

"Who is it?"
She asked

"Uhmm Delivery.."
Replied a manly voice

"Just put it at the floor Mr. ,Here!"
Yoona said and handed the guy her bill

The guy left and yoona took the food and closed the door and go to her dining area

At the middle of her meal she remember someone...

"I Hope,I could forget you now..."

At the Middle of the night
The Doe eyed girl is Hugging her rilakumma bear at her bed thinking that the next day,she will keep her imege still...Being a rebel to herself because of her brokenheart syndrome

"One day,I'll be me again..."
She stated

while somewhere out there...

A chubby cheeked girl is still irritated because of noise she heard from nextdoor and it delayed her studies

"I hope not everyday will be that noisy or else I'm ruined"

She then puffed her cheeks and hug her Keroro Pillow...Them think of seeimg her lover again the next mornirng...

What Do you think~??

-B.V.Swear / BVswear

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