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Sooyoung enter the restaurant where her mom told her to come..

"Aish why am I here,I already have my girlfriemd.."
Says soo to herself

"Sooyoung!,Go to this restaurant,date the girl who's waiting there when the restaurant asked reservation just tell them 'You're a Choi'..I want you to date this girl so when the time comes our business will collaborate with them"
Says Mrs.Choi

"But mom-"
Complained soo

"How many times do I have to tell you 'no buts',so go"
Sooyoung's mom push her to leave the house and as an good daughter soo did what her mom wants

End Of Flashback

"Any Reservation Ms. ?"
Asked the waiter

"A reservation for a Choi.."
Answered Sooyoung

"This way Ms.,"
Replied the waiter and lead sooyoung to a table nearby
She saw a midget busy playing with her phone while back facing her

"Excuse me,Am I late already?"
Asked sooyoung to the midget without looking at the latter

Shockingly the two girls has the same expression

"Yeah,I dont want to make my mom feel down,I love her,and I also love my girlfriend,Sunny,help me please"
Says sooyoung holding sunny's hands

Sunny look away and says

"You are my type,I like you,I love you since childhood,I accept the fact that I cant have you bit I have this feeling that fate want us to be together,that's why I disn't knew if I could help you,an also I love seeing my mom happy..e
Replied sunny

Sooyoung didnt knew what to say,yet she just continue eating

"Soo,would you ever like me back?"
Asked sunny

*Ding dong*

"Yes?,who's there?"
Asked yoona who is watching her favorite cartoon character,she paused the video for a while and approach door

'Is it soundproof?,No it wasn't"
She said to herself

*Ding Dong*

"yeah I'm gonna open it,just wait!"
Yoona boastfully said and open the door

She saw a girl with long hair,fair white skin wearing a white dress but she cant see her face

"Is this the proper pose I should have when someone rang my bell?,By the way is there anything that I could do for you?"
Says yoona talking to an unknown girl

The girl faced her,and yoona creft a smirk at her face
Good thing that yoona wore her eyeliner,black jeans, white simple shirt,leather jacket,and black snickers,for her afternoon class

Said the unknown girl in shock manner

"Oh yea!,and what's with me?,I don't know who you are,are you a stalker or what?"

Asked yoona sarcastically to tease the girl.
Actually she knew her,she saw her the last day to the University she's attending,but she didn't knew her name, coz' she's a transferee for the semester taking the Degree of Business Management..

"what?,are you kidding me?,no I'm not your stalker for your information, I've got the Sweetest and loyal girlfriend ever!"
Answered the other angrily

"Ohh~,so why do you know me?"
Asked yoona

"Uhmm,I saw you yesterday at the university.."

"then you remember me?,"
Yoona said

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