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"Oh your awake tiffany-ssi!"
Said yoona as she reach the living room

Tiffany stretch her neck

"Tiffany-ssi I can massage you.."
Said yoona


Yoona nodded

She place her hands on tiffany's shoulders and began massaging them

"Ahhhh.....There Yoona-ssi....Yes there!"
Shouted tiffany after she felt pain and relaxation

"Dont shout Tiffany-ssi,people might misunderstood us..."
Said yoona while massaging tiffany's shoulders

"Ow sorry...."
Stated Tiffany blushing

"Hahaha,are you ok now?"
Asked yoona
Tiffany nodded and yoona sat beside her

"So fany-ah,want some snack?"
Asked yoona

"No thanks yoon,but I'm on my diet.."
Answered tiffany still blushing to their so called petnames

"Haha we just got nickname for each other.."
Chuckled yoona

The two get to know each other

"Fany-ah,wanna play X-box?,lets dance,sports,or adventure..."
Said yoona

"You have?"
Asked tiffany

"Yeah,My dad buy it for me when he heard that I'm moving out of our house..."
Answered yoona

"ahh,,your dad seems supportive...then let's play sports..."
Said tiffany

'My dad?supportive?,maybe that's his way of supporting my step mom..hehe'
Stated yoona at the back of her mind

She arrange the game


'woohoo! Goal!,I love you fany-ah your such a good player!'
Seohyun heard again
She misunderstood that it was the continuation of the negative thing she's thinking earlier

"Aish I cant take it anymore.."

She stomped her feet while walking out of her place to yoona's

*Ding dong ding ding ding dong*
Seohyun repeatedly hit the door bell

The door opens revealing sweating tiffany, her clothes are not the same as earlier,if it was wrinkled

Breathed tiffany

"what happened to you?"
Asked seohyun

"did I became a himder to your fun time with yoona?"
Asked seohyun
Still hiding her pissed attitude to her friend

"Nope you arent...why seohyun,did something happened?"
Asked tiffany to her friend

Yoona turn off the game box when tiffany says that she's tured already
She asked the latter if she want food but still tiffany is insisting her diet
Then the door bell rang repeatedly,and tiffany volunteer to open the door, yoona drunk water and take a towel to wipe her sweat

She approach the door where tiffany is standing and talking to someone

"who's that fany-ah?"
Asked yoona

"oh yoon,It's seo joo hyun!"
Replied tiffany

"Seo joo hyun?"
Asked yoona in confirmation

"yup,seohyun,your neighbor,my friend.."
Replied tiffany

An idea popped unto yoona's head


Yoona walk forward to tiffany

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