Chapter 10

501 16 15

Weeks had past
The couple survived without any problems

They already tell Tiffany about their relationship.
At first the latter got angry to seohyun but soon accept the fact.

Despite that, they stayed being friends,still hanging out and much more that friends do.

The two went to Seo residence, just to make them kniw that they are datimg and the Olders didnt stop them in fact they love yoona for their daughter. But Mr. Seo didnt control himself and be a protective father and tell Yoona that if she hurt his daughter, yoona will never see another sunrise anymore which made seohyun and mrs. Seo chuckled and yoona bow in embarrassment.

everything stays the same,the couple is going stronger.
Tiffany change their fan club to one who ship the yoonhyun couple.

This thing are good to hear,not until.

A tall girl asked and called out
Seohyun looked the latter and frown,she never did expect that she will see the latter again after few months.

It will only takes a week before graduation.

"What are you doing here?"
The tall girl asked

"I'm here with someone"
Said seohyun with annoyed face expression

"A friend?"
seohyun didnt answer for she might blown out and shout at the girl

"Can I invite you for a coffee?"
The girl asked

"No,I already told you,I'm with someone right?"
Seohyun said harshly again which made the girl purse his lips and nod

Yoona on the other hand came hopping happily with paper bags with gift she was supposed to give to her girlfriend when she notice a tall and unfamiliar girl with her girl friend,she creased her brow and look at seohyun.

Yoona had this feeling that this girl might be hitting to her fabulous girlfriend but there could be other thing.

Seohyun was about to talk when this tall girl beat her

"hey,youre Im Yoona right?"

"Yes,and who you are?,I cant remember knowing you"


"Yoongie,lets go,dont mind her"
Seohyun wrap her arm around yoona's and attempted to pull yoona away to the girl

"Wait a minute hyunnie"
Yoona said,seohyun started to panicked hearing another tone on voice of yoona while staring intently to the girl she never wanted to saw again

"So who are you?,Are you somehow related to seohyun?"
Yoona continued

"I'm Choi SooYoung,I knew you from the university but too bad that I wasn't studying there anymore."

"And oh,I'm Seohyun's ex girlfriend,you must be her friend,right?"
Soo young added which made yoona furrow her eyebrows not to the mention of ex girlfriend but to the mention of 'friend',it was somehow irritating to hear

Yoona look at Seohyun with 'seriously?' Expression,the latter was out of words,everything happen so fast,she cant say anything and cant move from the place she's standing

Putting her sight back to the taller girl, Yoona released a painful smirk

"So you're the not so loyal ex-girlfriend,I guess.How come you came at the wrong time around.I wish not see other cause of humanity break down next time."
Yoona stated frankly and look around while stating the last word

The last thing that seohyun had said before yoona left her and sooyoung with heavy yet fast footstep.

Seohyun look angrily to sooyoung who is dumbfounded to what she did.

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