Chapter 08

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Hey your gorgeous Unnie is here again.
I know I know,sorry for being too full of myself.
But I won't take my words back. Hehehe

ANW this is my first update as of the current year 2016,soooo yeah,I wish,and I'll always wish you'll like it.^_~


"Hey Hyun"


"Hey Seo Joo Hyun!"
Seohyun got startled by Yoona's voice
She groan in frustration knowing that she's been day dreaming earlier

"Why do you have to shout?"
Seohyun asked and stand on her own

"Thanks you for saving me ....again"
Seohyun stated before yoona could talk again

"Pff.Why do I have yo shout?,well who wouldn't if you're calling someone's name for the nth time yet she's not responding and the worse thing is that person is been stataring at my beautiful face?"
Yoona stated and showing off her face to Seohyun in using the back of her hand which is tapping her chin continuously

Selby in puff her hair that drops on her face by using the air from the last word she muttered

"You're too full of yourself!"
Seohyun bicker

"Who wouldn't if an angel fall for it?"
Yoona mumbles

"What?You're saying anything?"
Seohyun asked like a total boss

"No Ma'am!"
Yoona saluted which earn a chuckle from Seohyun

"But still I will tell you this for the second time around."
Yoona said seriously

Seohyun asked creasing her brow

Yoona hold Seohyun's soft hands and drag the latter on the couch

They sat side by side while yoona took seohyun's bag and put it aside and still holding seohyun's other hand

Seohyun is looking at their hands.She's suffering at this love side effect

Yoona look at seohyun but when she saw the girl is not paying attention, she look at the direction where the latter is looking
Her eyes widen she quickly retreated her hand and seohyun look at her innocently like she's still processing the whole thing

"I-I'm sorry"
Yoona said while stuttering

"It's OK."
Seohyun replied and a big silence rule the place.Not until the princess of the kingdom brake it.

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