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"Yes Seohyun....Thanks for the compliment"
Said yoona coldly
She walk out of the said store leaving seohyun inside

She passes two building and she stop for a while
Remebering what seohyun had say

'you're a bastard trying to get into someone else life and get their attention by trying to be cool!'

"Bastard,now I know that she really think of me as one...why do everyone think that I am a bastard?"
Asked yoona to herself

"I am attention seeker?,Yeah everyone hate me...Even Her..Even Seohyun..."
Added yoona

She started to walk again until she reach her door
Before she could enter
She burst out

Tha pain is over flowing

Yoona punch her door that leave a small broken part that can be noticed easily

Her tears stream down
She enter her room and shout out loud the pain

Yoona shouted while crying
She forgot that she's hurt by hot water because words is better than action

While seohyun regreted what just said to yoona
She came after yoona but no traces of yoona,maybe she's already in her place
Then seohyunwent back to her unit too without lloking at yoona's door

"I've hurt her...I'm sorry yoona..I didnt meant to spill the hot noodles at you.."
Seohyun said thinking of a wrong idea why yoona had walked out...

She forgot already yoona's last words

That day Yoona immediately call Mr.Kang to fix everything in her room including the door

Days past so fast
Seohyun never got disturb by Yoona's noise again.She barely could see the latter too wheather on the apartment or university

Unbeknown to her the time she's spending for being sentimental is the same with yoona.
Yoona will always avoid her.

For seohyun Yoona is too low.
She just spill her hot noodles and she's that angry.

But sometimes she will asked Tiffany about yoona just like now.

"Hey tiff are you going somewhere?"
Asked seohyun

"YUP I planed of visiting yoona.I miss her prescence already"
Replied Tiffany

An Idea came into seohyun's mind.She doesn't know why but she will do everything to have a talk with the girl

"Lets visit together."
Said seohyun

They went together at the apartment but seohyun decided to change her clothes first before coming to Yoona's front door with Tiffany.

*ding dong*
*ding dong*

After pushing the button twice,they can hear footsteps getting closer.

Yoona got up lazily from her bed when she suddenly heard her doorbell rang.

She's walking like a zombie wearing another pair of rilakkuma pj Even early in the afternoon and her hair is tied as messy bun.
Right at this moment she's not wearing any makeup.

She groggily open her door contemporary with her yawn and wiping her eyes to remove sleepiness and stretch

This view of her is very cute for the eyesmile girl
While the other girl is mesmerized by the cute view of yoona.
It was her first time seeing  the latter on such outfit.
Her heart is skipping it's beat and her stomach feel sick.
She can feel her face heats up.

Yoona stiffed to attempt of another cute yawn when she noticed the two unexpected visitors

She smile cutely to Tiffany which makes the girl blushed
And look emotionless to Seohyun

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