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You're so lucky maknae!,you're just Yoona's neighbor,I envy you!"
Said tiffany to seohyun when they reach seohyun unit

"hehehe........'what luck?,she ruin my study time because of her noise"
Mumbles seohyun

"Her unit is next door,if you want something dont hesitate to hit my doorbell"
Said seohyun pointing the things she stated

Tiffany nodded and flashed her imfamous eye smile

Seohyun enter her place she remove her shoes put her things down in her bed amd proceed ti the living room to watch her favorite alien frog character

She heard but didnt mind

She heard but dont care still,well she's watching her favorite cartoon amd no one can distract her

*Ding Dong*

tiffany hit yoona's door bell after the silence inside she heard the same scream but she camt just rushed in
After a while the door opened
Revealing yoona with serious face and swollen eyes

"Hey,Can I call you Yoona-ssi?,well I'm a schoolmate of yours and also your fan"
Said tiffany

Yoona signal the girl to enter and she did
Tiffany remove her shoes and neatly set it aside when she notice the yoona's is arrange properly

"Take a sit...Tiffany-ah"
Said yoona when they reach the living room

Tiffany i shocked

"How did you know my name?"
Asked tiffany deep inside she's really happy

"I got a friend who know you,and she got crush on you.."
Said Yoona to tiffany

Said tiffany

"Thing that I should not say.."
Replied yoona

"Want some drink?,water,juice,shake,coffee,tea,milktea or what?"
Asked yoona

"Water would do.."
Replied tiffany

Yoona nodded and went to kitchen when she got back she's holding a glass of water

"Here Tiffany-ah,can you excuse me for a moment,I'll just finish to clean something"
Yoona put the glass of water in the center table

"Ofcourse Yoona-ssi"
Replied tiffany

Yoona left and clean the broken glass
While tiffany is left in the living room
She look around and found yoona's place clean and neat,yet another thimg catcher her attention

"Blue,white, and PINK"
Said tiffany to herself refering to the wall color

"Atleast it have pink.."
She added

'Isnt it ironic that she's a rebel type of girl yet her place is colorful?'asked tiffany at the back of her mind

"Tiffany-ah,I just finish cleaning,amd I thought it would be fine if I clean myself too,cause I bath to my own sweat earlier,or else I'll be sick is I dont take a proper bath"
Said yoona

"I hope you wont mind.."
She added

"Ofcourse yoona-ssi,take your time,since I've come unexpectedly"
Replied tiffany

Yoona flashed a smile to Tiffany
She enter her room and fixed her things to use

"1:31pm..I'm an hour late...I'll just make up tomorrow."
Said yoona to herself

She take a bath for 25 mins. She wore her simple powder blue loose shirt and fitted shorts
Then she proceed to her living room
And saw Tiffany sleeping and the glass of water is empty

She sat beside the girl and and open the television
She change the channel to cartoon channel

"Still that alien frog?,when's my rilakumma turn?"
Said Yoona to herself when she notice that keroro have longer time play in tv than her rilakumma

Then yoona is stiffed
Tiffany's head is in her shoulder
She look at the latter yet she camt see the whole face so she just watch the keroro and wait for her turn

"Pororo is better..."
Yoona said insulting the green character

"If seohyun heard you,she'll be angry...."
Mumbles the girl beside her
Yoona look at her to see if she's awake but nope she's sleep talking

"Seohyun?,I dont know her..."
Replied yoona and chuckled to the latter's antics

She then continue watching

Said tiffany

"Tiffany-ah are you ok?"
Asked yoona to the sleeping girl
She tried to wake her up but the latter is in her deep sleep
Yoona turn off the television
She stand up supporting still the sleeping girl and lie he down the couch

"I dont know that my friend love sleepy girl..."
Said yoona to herself

Seohyun decided to went out for a walk
She look at her phone waiting for any message from her girlfriend
Yet when she went out of her unit and contemporary to her neighbor
Their eyes met

'If not a leather jacket,She wore denim'
Said seohyun at the back of her mind

"What are you looking at?,mesmerized by my beauty?"
Asked yoona to seohyun

"You're too full of yourself!"
Said seohyun

"Yes,I know"
Tease yoona

Mumbles seohyun

Said yoona

Answered seohyun

"Ok I wont.......in one condition.."
Yoona and walk forward to seohyun
She lean her head to seohyun face

"wha-what are you doing?"
Stuttering seohyun asked

An inch away from each other's face
Seohyun close her eyes
Waiting for the descisiion of fate

Yet she didnt feel anything but heard her say in her ear

"Dont look unto my eyes again..."
Said yoona and laugh to seohyun expression

"I hate you Im Yoona I hate you!"
Seohyun said in pissed manner

Yoona stop

"What?,How did you know my name?"
Asked Yoona

"My friend come to your house today and she told me your name.."
Stasted seohyun

"Who the cute eye smiled girl?,Tiffany?"
Asked Yoona

"She's your friend?"
Added yoona with smirked and pervert tone of voice

"Yah!,what did you do my friend?'
Asked seohyun woried about her friend

"I harassed her,I lie with her...."
Answered yoona
She didnt meant it but she just tease Seohyun
She really lobe to tease this girl
"I'll kill you!"
Angrily says seohyun

"Hahahaha wanna know a fact?,........your friend loved what I've done,and at this moment,she's resting at my bed.."
Added Yoona

Seohyun went back to her unit and sulk
She lose to yoona again
She sat down to her couch

'ahhhh there Yoona-ssi,yes there~'
Heard seohyun from the other room

"Heck!,they're really doing it?,ewwww,I should complain about the sound noise she always doing,and heck again,didn't she ashamed of herself we have another neighbor they could hear her"
Said seohyun to herself
But the thought that all of their other neighbors are working they cant hear her...

"Aish-I'll kill you yoona"
Said seohyun

'Dont look unto my eyes again....'
Words that kept on repeating in seohyun's head
And her eyes she cant forget those doe eyes...

End if this chapter...

Hehehehe Yoona and Tiffany are doing it??

but let's see...

-Your Unnie/Noona B.V.Swear|BVswear

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