Chapter 09

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Leaning closer and closer,
Both girls close their eyes feeling each others' hot breathing
Hearts are thumping in a rapid pace and their stomach feels sick as their lips are crashed on each other.
They are kissing gently,Seohyun's lower lip is between Yoona.
Seohyun lose gripped on her bag.
Lips and head are moving in sync until yoona brushed her tounge to Seohyun's lips asking for access, which seohyun whole heartedly given.
Their tounge ended up fighting for dominance and yoona won.

Yoona broke the kiss leaning her forehead to Seohyun's a smile crept into her while staying lovingly at seohyun.
Both are catching for breath
And when their breath are back to normal seohyun was about to day something but yoona beat her

"You didn't let me finish my words"
Yoona stated still at the same position but she change it by putting Seohyun's hands around her neck while she pull the younger closer by the waist

"I told you that you're too careless right?,I'm sorry if you misunderstood that but I just want to say that.....Yeah,you're careless because you just came into my life, do everything you want and messed it.You accidentally keep on bumping on things including my frozen her.For the past months I've been  suffering from broken heart syndrome, my past lover died because of sickness who is named Jessica Jung she's my first love which you replace and no one else could take.My stepmother was so harshed to me since young.She brainwashed my dad and my dad always on her side I hate them both"
Yoona's tears stream down her face but she quickly wipe it

"Then you came,I felt happy teasing you at first but I fell on my own trap,I loved you,I love you and I will love you till lifetime.Seohyun,could you be a girlfriend of a bastard like me?"
Yoona confessed

Seohyun was touched but frown because of the curse she heard

"Yes~I love you too yoongie~"
Seohyun pecked on Yoona

Yoona celebrated their hearts are celebrating because of happiness

"Yoongie...Is it perhaps the word bastard is the reason why you-"

"No need to put things back.As long as I'm with you,no painful words will hurt me except those which came from you"
Yoona pouted which earn a giggle from seohyun

"Then let me say my apology...I'm sorry yoongie"

"Not unless you kiss me,baby joo hyun"
Yoona said and pout again

"Baby?You act childishly much more"
Seohyun said

Yoona replied and look away still pouting

Seohyun chuckles, she made yoona face her again before she leaned in to capture the latter's luscious lips.

Yoona smile between their kiss she pull the younger on waist to deepen the kiss while seohyun do the same by pulling yoona on neck.
They savor each other's passionate kiss.
Until yoona's hand travel under Seohyun's shirt lifting it a little to make circles on the younger's stomach.
Things makes hotter and hotter that leads them to Seohyun's bed
and bump to some things around all the way.

But both of them decided to keep it on hot make out session for they want to have their first in a very special,way,time,and place.
(It's not that their apartment is not special)

Yoona open her eyes feeling her arms numb she smiled to the view in front of her.
She caress the cheek of the girl beside her praising it's beauty

"I'm sooo lucky to have an angel beside me.I love this feeling to wake up and see my life thanking God for another day to face and spend with you."
Yoona talked to the sleeping girl in front of her.

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