Chapter 07

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←flash back

Yoona was laying on the floor stiffed while looking on the ceiling.
She can feel the pain on her back but she doesn't care cause there's another feeling that fights against it.The feeling of giddiness, that feeling of eagerness.

It was the time when she look down at the heaviness above her she can't see anything except this angel looking girl whom you could think that was dropped by heaven based on their position.

Seohyun is at Yoona's
Her face was at Yoona's neck while the latter's arms is wrapped around her supporting her from the sudden fall

They are stiffed for a moment but as soon as they realize their position

Seohyun got up quickly not minding if the older girl is hurting by her careless move

Yoona sat on her bum feeling numb to every pain caused by Seohyun who's back facing her

Oblivious by each others' move,
They place their hand on their chest at the same time.
They can hear and feel the crazy beating of their own heart.

It feels like they are sick because of the heat that their body is producing

*/←end of flashback

Minutes had past since the small accident that cause for this two to remain silent

Seohyun is sitting at the chair facing the kitchen counter trying to figure out what's with her.
Its her first time to feel like this.
There's a big difference to what she felt with sooyoung,this is much more powerful that it comes to the point that Seohyun wanted to stay at Yoona's side.

Yoona on the other hand is keeping herself busy in preparing the viands

She will time to time glance at Seohyun who's been biting her tumb nail

Then yoona decided to break the freaking silence that makes her go crazy at the moment.

"You're too careless"
she stated earning the attention of the younger

"It's your fault though!"
Seohyun fought back

Yoona said but never finish

"You are at fault.No more fighting back!"
Seohyun commanded which made the latter shut up her mouth which is very rare when they are having an argument

As they finished cooking the food they placed it at the table.

"I dare you Miss Seo Joo Hyun.
You should know what you did wrong to me in order to pay what you owe me"
Yoona stated firmly before she left Seohyun and call the almost forgotten pink monster on her little cute living room.

It was just a good thing that Tiffany was enjoying the show she's currently watching.

The time goes,passes by that night Tiffany was sent by Yoona outside the building while after she dropped Seohyun next door.

It was a tiring,revealing own self night for Im Yoona.

Before she went to her room to get some rest , she look at her phone for time

11:07 pm

She sighed,smile and remember the girl next door that completed her day,.before drifting off to sleep.

The Next Week

Yoona was doing great for the past week.
They always did great at defending themselves on a arguements.
They are doing great at school,
but great will be worse for Seohyun who always got jealous? Every time she'll get out of place between Yoona and Tiffany.
But thankfully Yoona will always acknowledge her at times if she started to act like a protective girlfriend to Yoona

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