12) Pancakes and Strawberries

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Chapter Twelve:
Pancakes and Strawberries

"You mean I called him Teddy?"

Evan nodded slowly, his eyes guarded. "For some reason," he said. "And on top of that, he called you...Sammy?"

Samantha wanted to tell Evan to take back his words but she controlled herself just in time. He had nothing to do with her memories and it's plain wrong of her to bring out her emotions in full play. "Sammy was my nickname," she confessed. "I don't use it anymore."

Evan nodded, in the same calm manner, but Samantha didn't miss the flash of understanding flickering in a brief moment. "He's trying his best to keep you safe."

Samantha smiled tightly. "Thank you for your concern, but I simply cannot see how kidnapping is an ideal way of protecting me."

"Aren't you not hungry?" Ward pulled out a chair, placing two plates in front of him. On the first one were two pieces of French Toast, which Samantha wasn't really fond of. As for the second plate...

Samantha felt her mouth water with saliva. There were three pancakes stacked together, syrup covering the sides of them. She squealed even more louder when she saw the strawberries next to the pancakes.

All of a sudden, Ward was laughing. The greedy gleam in Samantha's brown eyes was replaced by utter confusion. She cleaned her mouth with a brisk wipe of her hand to remove the saliva lingering at the edges of her wet-licked lips. She then looked at Ward again, who had tears spilling like rain droplets at the corners of his orbs.

"I apologize," said Ward, composed, his voice tinted with a tad of humor. "For my outburst."

"Um, okay?" Samantha answered uncertainly. She heard her stomach rumble in a continuous pattern and knew that she had to eat something. "Are you eating all of those stuff?" She pointed.

Ward pushed the plate with French Toast towards her. "French Toast for you."

"No thank you," Samantha said, mustering the politeness she had. "Where can I get the pancakes though?"

"Next to the fruits," Ward answered. "Just beside the strawberries, oh, wait a second." His eyes shone with amusement. "They ran out of strawberries."


Ward chuckled. "I'm going to eat breakfast now," he reminded her, his hands grabbing a knife and a fork.

"Wait!" Samantha moved her face closer towards Ward. "Ward, please," she looked at the pancakes longingly then gave Ward puppy eyes. "I'll do anything you want..." she bit her lip in greed. "As long as I can have your breakfast."

Ward didn't reply in an instant. He was grinning. "Anything I want?" He repeated playfully. "Are you sure, Samantha?"

Samantha felt her heart hammer under her chest for some strange reason. "Yeah," she answered confidently. "Absolutely."

The odd smile was still plastered on Ward's face. "Very well," he said, almost giddily. "But no." He looked at her disappointed expression and shoved a French Toast into his mouth. "I'll come back in no time, so enjoy the rest of the food," His eyes twinkled. "Apart from the pancakes, of course."

Samantha watched Ward leave, then she spun around in Evan's direction. "Please don't tell him I ate the pancakes, Evan," she begged. "I can't resist them."

Evan smiled his trademark grin, good-natured and kind. He gazed into Samantha's wary eyes and said:

"No worries, Samantha, because I think he intended to give you the pancakes from the very start."

A/N: This is really short but I feel like it's the best to leave it here. Is Evan correct or just assuming too much? ;-)

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