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Corvan impatiently looked at grandfather clock near the passage. It was 10 minutes to midnight.

"Where did that witch go? Is she seriously going to ditch me?" a wave of irritation hit him as those ideas crossed his mind. He felt a pang in his heart at the thought of Valeriana's rejection.

As he prepared to enter the portal, Tamara and Keelan appeared while towing a hesitant Valeriana.

"Corvan, you forgot something... rather someone." Tamara called out before they dropped Valeriana like a luggage before the young lord.

"I don't want to go..." the fifth ranker grumbled but the two pushed her towards the first ranker.

"Best of luck!"Keelan patted his shoulder before he left with Tamara.

There was an awkward silence between them until Valeriana broke it.

"I am not going... " She began while trying to take the ring off her right ring finger. "and I am giving this back."

However, Corvan held her hand to stop her. With utmost seriousness lacing his tone, he advised her "Don't you ever take that ring off."

"But it felt so wrong to wear this." She blurted out.

Corvan just raised his brows, not really getting what she meant. Before he could ask her, she ranted. "I don't even like you... and I know you also don't like me. Geez! I am not your lover and yet you force me to wear this!"

Although, he kept his face blank, he still felt a twinge in his heart after hearing her words. After he let her blow off her steam, he retorted. "They will not believe our charade if you will not wear this ring."

That made her stop short. "I haven't actually agreed."

"You have no choice regarding that. I already informed Alovia that you are my betrothed. By this time, she is already in Arlandia and she must have reported everything to my parents. In any case, you are already here. It will be best for you to go on with the agreement."

With a bit of resentment, she agreed. "Fine! But after this mission, I will return this to you."

"Why would you do that?" the first ranker asked in bafflement.

She huffed. "Because I told you. It felt wrong. I don't deserve to wear this!"

Corvan's eyes narrowed at her. But after contemplating, he had the urge to smile. Instead of showing his emotion, he willed himself to remain stoic.

"You have to. What do you think will people say if they will see that you are not wearing the ring? They already knew that you are officially my betrothed. They will expect you to wear the ring."

As the words sink in, Valeriana had the urge to panic. "Holy crap! That was official?! Can this betrothal be broken or something?"

He just shrugged while hiding a knowing smirk from the girl. After clearing his throat, he seriously stated. "Betrothal to nobles can never be broken."

"I see... what? Does that mean I am stuck with you?!" If Valeriana did not have the need to use her mouth, for sure, it would have hit the floor in shock. "Corvan freaking von Vaushna dela Jerkwalden! You tricked me!"

"Nope." He simply denied while popping the "p".

"Do you even have plans to let me go?" she gasped out... not entirely believing what she was hearing.



"Not going to answer any more of your queries." He stated dismissively as he walked through the portal.

Valeriana unknowingy followed after him to argue some more. "This despicable guy! Surely this relationship is headed for divorce."

Corvan smirked. Too bad... There are no divorces in Valemnia.


Thanks for reading!

It has been a long time since I had added another chapter for this fanfic.

I know it is not that good... but I really hit my head hard and these stupid ideas were conceptualized. Just want to share them...

there will be a continuation for this part later on... I might also polish this one. Just bear with me for awhile.

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